Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sisters Day Out!

When the sisters have their day out, it was all about eating, chatting and enjoying one another's company!

I'll have to admit, I'm very fortunate and happy that I have three sisters. Yes, 四朵金花 (four golden flowers) as what many relatives called us. When my parents had my elder sister and myself (I'm #2), they wanted to have a boy. So my younger sister (#3) was born. Amongst us, we were like one or two years apart. Then after seven years, my youngest sister was born. My parents hoped that it will be a boy, but it wasn't. Thank God!

We always tease my youngest sister that fortunately she wasn't a boy. She was already spoilt by my parents since she is the youngest. If she was a boy, we couldn't imagine what kind of treatment that will be. (Did you taste sour grapes?) Anyway, growing up years weren't very pleasant. Amongst us, of course, there were the siblings rivalry. I shall spare the details.

However, in the recent years, when my younger sister and myself got married, all of us become closer. When we don't normally go out together while staying under the same roof, we meet up more often when we are living apart. All of us are married except for my elder sister. However, she has also moved out on her own. It was also her initative to have sisters meal at least once a year. Each of us takes turn to pay. And usually, my elder sister initiate a session when she spots good dining deals! She has appetite for good quality stuffs!

This time, it was my turn. I was back at Il-Lido again. In fact, it was her recommendation a month back that lead me to have the degustation meal with my spouse at Il-Lido. This time, we were there for the set lunch.
For the set lunch ($38++), there was a choice of soup or salad for the appetiser, lamb, fish or pasta for the main course. Boring as we can be, we had the same selection-Salad and fish. This was also a 1-for-1 deal if using Citibank credit card.

A bowl of Zwieback bread was served after we had our orders taken. This was refillable. :)
Complimentary from the chef was Raw Salmon. The balsamic vinegar at the side was thick and slight sour. It went very well with the raw salmon.
Appetiser was Prawn Salad with Balsamic Vinegar. The prawns was succulent and fresh. It was soaked in balsamic vinegar. The salad was fresh and sweet. The raspberry sauce and the other sauce was a good dip for the prawns.
Main course was Fried Sea Bass. The skin was thick, crispy and salty. The fresh was soft and bland. However, that was okay because the fish can be dipped in the carrot sauce at the side. The blanched spinach was very sweet. The fish fillet portion was quite big and thick.
Then, we were served our desserts, Chocolate Tart with Raspberry Ice Cream. The tart base was soft, not very crispy. The chocolate fillings was smooth and soft, something like mousse. It wasn't firm. Despite the texture, the taste was good. Raspberry ice cream was more sweet than sour. I would prefer it to be sour so that it goes better with the slight bitter chocolate tart. I had freshly brewed Italian coffee to go with my tart.
We sat there to chat until they closed for lunch. That was around 3.30pm. We moved around Sentosa for a while before we settled in Sentosa Resort & Spa. It wasn't intentionally. We were lured by the beautiful hi-tea set in The Pavilion, that we decided to order a set and shared.
We actually hesitated for a while before we decided on a set. It was like four little girls discussing how not to get scolding from their mum for some undesirable behaviour they had! LOL. It was quite funny!
The Hi-tea set ($25+++) consisted of three layers. Top tier was two mini raisin scones, with whipped cream and fresh strawberry jams. The scones were very crispy and warm. Each of us had half. The strawberry jam was very fresh and went well with the scones.
Second tier consisted of sweets. A berry macaron, two cups of desserts, a choc-dipped marshmallow, a white chocolate truffle, a slice of passionfruit mousse cake, a slice of chocolate and raspberry cake, a slice of kueh lapis, a butter cookie, a fresh strawberry and two fresh raspberries. You won't believe it if I were to tell you, we shared equally for most of the items! Hahaha... The macaron was really good.
The last tier had four different types of bread and fillings. Different fillings in each bread include chicken meat, smoked salmon, beef and cheese. The breads were soft and tasty with the savoury fillings!
The hi-tea set come with a choice of hot drink. My sister ordered the hot chocolate ($8.50+++), while I ordered the TWG Geisha Blossom Tea ($8.50+++), and the other two sisters ordered fruit juices ($8.50+++ each). The tea came in a pot. It is a green tea with a fruity smell. Even though the tea had a very nice strong smell, the taste was very light.
By the time we finished our hi-tea, it was evening, which means, time to return to our parents' house and meet our respective family. We had a great time bonding together. We'll be looking forward to our next gathering...which won't be long.


  1. What a great way to spend time with sisters!

  2. What a sweet and fun way for you and your sisters to catch up regularly!

    Your lunch at Il Lido looks really intriguing, especially the salmon sashimi with balsamic vinegar. The one time I went to Il Lido, back when it first opened, I wasn't impressed at all. But based on your review and photos, it looks like I might have to give it another chance! :)

  3. Jane, my relationship with my sis gets very closed also only after I got married, gets even closer after I gave birth :). This is a great idea and way to spend times with sibling, I shall steal this idea and make this happen with my sister and brother :).

  4. Hi everyone,
    It sure was great to have a sister's day out where we don't have to worry about keeping our compose.

    My elder sister said she had been there years ago and she liked it. Didn't know how it was like years ago. Anyway, this place is nice, and served quality food. You should give it another chance! :)

    Oh, be my guest. Hope you enjoy yourself with your siblings. Maybe you can start with finding a good deal eatery, then suggest to your siblings to go. That will start the ball rolling, ya? ;)

  5. Jane, when I read your post, I can totally relate to what you are talking! Because I have 4 sisters! for youngest getting pampered, no comments on that since I am the youngest, lol! So glad you had a blast with your sisters! BTW, I am meeting my sisters this coming Thursday too, can't wait!

  6. Hi HBS,
    Ooh, you're like me, so fortunate! Enjoy your sisters day out!

  7. Hi HBS,
    Ooh, you're like me, so fortunate! Enjoy your sisters day out!


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