Wednesday, November 17, 2010

More Scones Please!

It's scones craze for me lately. Probably because there was demand for it, by my sisters. When there is demand, there'll be motivation to bake. That explained why I've been baking so much scones lately. I "discussed" with NEL about baking scones and she also shared some tips with me. Thanks NEL again! :)

I had wanted to try her recipe, but changed my mind as I had a baking book with me. I tried this Leon's Scones from bake-a-boo bakery cookbook.
Previously, I read some information about scones like, don't knead, don't use your fingertips etc. However, this book seemed to do all the opposite about what I knew! Out of curiousity on how it will turned out, I tried it. Surprisingly, besides being really bland, it smell milky and nice. You definitely need some whipped cream and jam to go with this scone.
Recipe for Leon's Scones, extracted from bake-a-boo.
(Makes approx. 18 mini scones)

375g Self raising flour
1.5 tsp Baking powder, heaped
75g Unsalted butter, cubed
2 Eggs
110g Whole milk


1. Sift the flour and the baking powder in a large mixing bowl, then rub in the butter with your fingertips until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
2. Make a well in the centre and pour in the beaten eggs and milk. Mix with a wooden spoon, starting from the centre of the well and stirring outwards until you have a sticky dough. Cover the bowl with clingfilm or a damp cloth and leave to rest for 5 mins.
3. Lightly dust a work surface with flour, then knead the dough vigorously for 2 mins until it is smooth and elastic. Rest the dough for another 5 mins.
4. Roll out the dough to approximately 1/2 inch thick and use a 2 inch fluted cutter to cut out the scones, rerolling the trimmings as necessary.
5. Place it on a baking tray and brush with milk. Bake in the preheated oven of 200C for 10-12mins or until it's golden brown.
6. Serve warm with whipped cream and jam.
I also proceed to try NEL's recipe. However, I tweaked it and added more ingredients to make it more interesting. This definitely tastes better than the plain scones I made earlier!
Recipe for Wholemeal Cranberry Scones, modified from NEL's scones.
(Makes approx. 15 regular scones)

105g Unsalted butter, cold and cubed
230g Top flour
100g Wholemeal flour
6 tsp Baking powder
1/8 tsp Salt
70g Caster sugar
180g Whole milk
37g Instant oat
80g Cranberries


1. In a large mixing bowl, sift together top flour and baking powder. Add in wholemeal flour.
2. Mix in sugar and salt.
3. Using a scraper, mix in the cold butter into the dry ingredients until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
4. Mix in the instant oat and cranberries.
5. Make a well in the centre and add in milk. Stir with a spatula until just combined. Knead gently a few times. The mixture will be a little sticky, moist and lumpy. If dough is not firm enough, chill it first. (Though I proceed to roll it out on a flour-dust top, which explained the shape of my scones).
6. Roll the dough into a round disc about 3/4 inch thickness.
7. With a round cutter, cut out the doughs into 15 pieces.
8. Place the scones on a greased baking tray, place them close to one another. Brush the tops with some milk.
9. Bake in preheated oven at 190C for about 15 minutes or until they are well risen and the tops are a light golden brown. Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool. Serve warm.
This is good enough to eat it on its own!


  1. WOW! Scones seasons ya..;p I love scones too but can't really get it right. Yours looks so beautifully done..:)

  2. I really like scones. .It keeps me alive on my busy day!!just have a bite and go on. .Want to try this, quick and easy. YUM

  3. Hehe, nice scones!!! I know where I should go to next time I have cravings for scones. Thanks for sharing!!!

  4. Blogging really humbles me... I am again reminded that have never made a scone before. These would be so good with a slab of butter and a dollop of jam!

  5. I love scone too! Especially those fluffy ones with cranberry. You tempted me to make some too. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hey Jane! You baked very nice scones! I love to eat scones too! There are many different recipes with different methods. Anyhow, I love any kind of scones :) It's just nice for breakfast, lunch, teatime or snacks. Freshly bake always the most excellent one!

  7. Thanks Ladies for your compliments!

    It's actually very easy, you must really try this soon!

    Yes, there are just too many recipes to decide. That was why I tried several of them, and then arrowed down to a good recipe. I must say, plain ones are not for me. I love those with wholemeal and dried fruits. :)

  8. Your plain scones turned out really nice and golden brown. I'm sure if you tweaked the recipe, it will turn out tasting awesome! I noticed you placed the scones close together ;) Did you think it helped with getting taller scones?

  9. Looking you, NEL and Edith baking beautiful scones, really tempting me to try too. I love the 2nd picture, your mini scone really looks yummy with the whipped cream and jam in it. Yum Yum ...

  10. Jane, the scones look really good. I love eating them warm and with butter and raspberry or strawberry jam. Not forgetting the dollop of cream on the side. Wow, such a treat for an afternoon tea.

  11. Hi NEL,
    Yes, I think it did help to make the scones higher! I realised the plain ones were very high! The other one were not so, very likely because it was too moist. :p

    Hi DG and Jo,
    Thanks! Make some now and enjoy with a cup of coffee! :)

  12. Merry Christmas! Let the new year will bring a lot of money

  13. Good Article

  14. Hi NEL,
    Yes, I think it did help to make the scones higher! I realised the plain ones were very high! The other one were not so, very likely because it was too moist. :p

    Hi DG and Jo,
    Thanks! Make some now and enjoy with a cup of coffee! :)

  15. Hehe, nice scones!!! I know where I should go to next time I have cravings for scones. Thanks for sharing!!!

  16. Thanks Ladies for your compliments!

    It's actually very easy, you must really try this soon!

    Yes, there are just too many recipes to decide. That was why I tried several of them, and then arrowed down to a good recipe. I must say, plain ones are not for me. I love those with wholemeal and dried fruits. :)

  17. I really like scones. .It keeps me alive on my busy day!!just have a bite and go on. .Want to try this, quick and easy. YUM


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