Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jane's Pizzeria

Don't be mistaken. It's not another post on food review. This time, I made pizzas from my home kitchen. My parents and siblings missed my pizzas. So I invited them over to my place for pizza on one of the Saturday two weeks back. However, I found that I have overbaked them, therefore, making them slightly hard. Nevertheless my family still took them, and finished them all! So supportive!

Whenever I entertain at home, whether it's family members or friends, I like to plan in totality. From drinks to starters to main course to desserts. Therefore, on a Saturday evening, I prepared a four-course meal and a drink.

I like to start off the meal with some refreshing drinks. That will be ice-cold lemongrass drink. Boil a few bulbs of chopped and mashed lemongrass in a pot of water. Add sugar to taste. Refridgerate till chilly cold, then serve. Add ice if required.

Salad was prepared by my helper. Ever since I saw HHB in sharing her salad dressing, I've been using that for my salad now. A whole lot of ingredients were used to prepare a wholesome salad: coral lettuce, royal lettuce, cherry tomatoes, yellow & green capsicums, onions, raisins, olives, button mushrooms and almond flakes with olive oil, lemon juice, rock salt and black pepper.

As I bought quite a lot of tomatoes from the supermarket lately, I decided to make tomato basil soup. The verdict? It was really good according to my family members. This is something new which they have not tried from my kitchen before though.
The main course for the evening was Assorted Pizzas. I baked the pizza base first, then add the toppings.
Chicken Pizza. Shredded chicken, yellow & green capsicums, onions, button mushrooms and mozzarella cheese. Baked to melt the cheese.
Wasabi Mayo Salmon Pizza. Flaked salmon, onions, capsicums and wasabi mayo. The mixing ratio for mayo and wasabi is approximately 3:1.

Smoked Salmon Pizza. This was prepared by my sister, who sponsored the smoked salmon. Mayo and dill were mixed and spread on the baked pizza base. Followed by smoked salmon, ring onions and olives. Dill and black pepper were sprinkled on it. This is my all-time favourite! Yummy!
Prawns and Chicken Pizza. Prawns, shredded chicken, capsicums, olives, onions, button mushrooms, pineapples, and cheese. Baked to melt the cheese.
After dinner, we rested for a while before I served my dessert. Dessert of the day was dark chocolate tarts. I had one which I added liquer cherry in it. When you bite onto the cherry, the liquer oozed out from it made it feel so shiok! One of my favourite way of eating it!
You can tell from the amount of food that my family sure loves good foods. Next round, I'll be wondering what to make... Jane's kopi-tiam style?


  1. what a wonderful spread of pizzas.

  2. WOW. the thing with homemade pizza is u can pretty much pile (and i mean really pile) all the things u love and omit the things u hate. That was quite a feast. u sure played a good host!

  3. WOW Jane! Very good food! Generous topping for the pizzas, everyone must have full of satisfaction. Your lemon grass juice is the unforgettable one. I miss it!

  4. I think you're more like "Jane's Catering". Any style cuisine, you can deliver. ;P

  5. WOW!! I'll like to come visit...can a?? With all this delicious food, who can resist!!
    Btw, about the lemongrass drink..may I know how long do I have to boil it? I'll like to try. Thanks Jane..:)

  6. What a spread! I love the dessert, the liquered cherry!

  7. Thanks everyone for your very kind compliments.

    Yes, we just like to load them with lots and lots of our favorite ingredients, don't we?

    I didn't make enough for all of them. Maybe that was why it tasted good! I love the lemongrass drinks too! I always can't get enough of it!

    Anytime for a overseas friend! For the lemongrass drink, I usually let it boiled for a few minutes, then I turned it off. Let the lemongrass infused in the water until it turned cool. Then drained out the water and chill it. Hope this is clear. Hope you enjoy this drink!

  8. Wouw! All the Pizzas looks super delicious with generous topping on it. I'm hungry now ... Jane's Pizzeria ... do you take any midnight delivery? Hehehhee ...

  9. Oh thank you, Jane. I'll try this drink this weekend...:)

  10. The meal is so complete and good. Totally home-made.

  11. Hi DG,
    Jane's Pizzeria is closed after 6pm! Haha...Thanks very much for your compliments.

    Thanks Angel.

  12. Jane, you always serve a full course and delicious meal to your guests, when is my honor to be your guest :P.

  13. Hi Jess,
    Ah, you don't need me to come to my place to enjoy full course lah. I'm sure you cook wonderfully to serve your family too! However, if you to, just let me know anytime! I'll glad whip up a 3-course meal for you! Heehee...

  14. The meal is so complete and good. Totally home-made.

  15. Thanks everyone for your very kind compliments.

    Yes, we just like to load them with lots and lots of our favorite ingredients, don't we?

    I didn't make enough for all of them. Maybe that was why it tasted good! I love the lemongrass drinks too! I always can't get enough of it!

    Anytime for a overseas friend! For the lemongrass drink, I usually let it boiled for a few minutes, then I turned it off. Let the lemongrass infused in the water until it turned cool. Then drained out the water and chill it. Hope this is clear. Hope you enjoy this drink!

  16. What a spread! I love the dessert, the liquered cherry!

  17. WOW. the thing with homemade pizza is u can pretty much pile (and i mean really pile) all the things u love and omit the things u hate. That was quite a feast. u sure played a good host!


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