Tuesday, September 7, 2010


This is the third time my daughter has HFMD. With each different strands, it gets worse. This time, the blisters were all red, unlike the previous time when they were just simple water blisters. She has all those reddish spots on her hands and feet. According to her, it is quite painful on the limbs. Fortunately those in the mouth are not affecting her. Her appetite is normal.

I'm at home keeping her company, and to separate the boys from her, and to ensure hygiene amongst them.


  1. Dear dear, hope your daughter feels better soon! Take good care.

  2. Thanks HBS and Blessed Homemaker! Hope she recovers soon too!

  3. Oh dear, it must be so uncomfortable for her! When my kids got them when they were still in pre-school, they really had a miserable time. They couldn't eat any solid food due to the blisters in the mouth. I gave them ice cream and it cheered them up a little :)

  4. Hi HHB,
    You're right. When they were younger, it does hurt. However, now that she is in P1, it seems that it's not so bad after all. Fortunately for that. She is still quite active, and doing her assessment book! :) Thanks for your concern too.

  5. Oh dear! I hope your girl gets well soon. I cannot bear to see young children sick. Good that she is eating well.

  6. Oh no, I hope she will recover very fast. And take good care of your boys and yourself and don't let the virus spread.

  7. Both my girls got it once, right after this year's Chinese New Year.
    I hope your daughter will have a speedy recovery.

  8. Hope your gal will recover soon.
    I've read that part of the HFMD cause is due to low immune in the intestine,besides drinking plenty of liquid everyday, when the kids recover do give the kid things like cultured drinks to increase the good baterial in the intestine thus will improve the body's immune.
    I make sure my kids pass motion everyday as what goes in everyday must come out everyday.


  9. I know u must be heartpain to see ur girl suffering. Wish your girl speedy recovery.

  10. Thanks everyone for your concern and well wishes! Apparently, I have under-estimated the power of this strand of virus. It has worsen within a day. :(

    Jennifer, thanks very much for your information. I did give them yogurt drinks often. Might just happened that her immunity was down when she contracted the virus.

  11. I've heard so much about the hand, foot and mouth disease but have never seen the effects. It does look pretty painful from your photos!

    I hope your little one feels better soon, Jane!

  12. Thanks Laureen. I hope she recovers soon too!

  13. oh dear, hope your daughter will recover soon!

  14. Oh, dear! I hope your girl is getting better. Please take care! Speedy recovery to her!

  15. Hi Jess and Pei-Lin,
    Thanks. She is getting worse each day as the ulcers are really hurting her and her appetite. :( Just hope she can recover by weekend so that she can go back to school on Monday. Thanks for your well wishes.

  16. oh dear, hope your daughter will recover soon!

  17. Thanks Laureen. I hope she recovers soon too!

  18. Oh dear, hope she gets well soon.

  19. Dear dear, hope your daughter feels better soon! Take good care.


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