Sunday, August 8, 2010

My 2nd Bloggers' Potluck Party

It came as a pleasant surprise one month back when Pei Lin emailed a few of us to suggest a meet up since she will be in Singapore over our long weekend national day holiday. I think I didn't come into her "radar" until recently when I started to leave comments on her blog. Surprisingly, most of us which she emailed, seemed to be able to make it this day.

Edith was quick to offer her lovely abode for our gatherings. I was quite excited about going to her place as I've always wanted to meet her in person with all her lovely cooks and bakes. After waiting for so long, the day finally arrived for 12 food bloggers to meet up.

These were the wonderful bloggers I met today.

Edith @ pReCiouS MoMentS
Shirley @ Kokken69
Pei Lin @ Dodol & Mochi
Zhuoyuan @ Baking Library (also known as Bakertan)
Josephine @ Sugar & Everything Nice
Yan Ee @ Sweeter Side of Life
Bee Bee @ Honey Bee Sweets (We've met each other since last year)
Grace @ Kitchen Corner (She's my dear blogger friend and my baking "teacher"!)
Aimei @ My Baking Cottage
Jess @ Bakericious
You Fei @ Loving Baking (I've known her for quite a while too!)

As for the spread of food that we have, here were the mouth-watering items.

Mee Rebus by Shirley 
Bandung drink by Edith

Durian tarts & Chocolate cookies by Pei Lin (which I brought some home)

Assorted Chocolate Truffles by Zhuoyuan
Chicken curry with baguette by Josephine
Wholemeal Egg Mayo sandwiches and Special Oatmeal cookies by Yan Ee
Turnip kueh by Bee Bee (which I brought one home)

Mini burgers and Mini Blueberry tarts by Grace
Pork-floss swiss rolls and lavender cookies (wrapped in cute pink bag) by Aimei
Mango Pomelo dessert and Fruits Agar Agar by Jess (which I brought some home too!)

Almond Cream with white fungus and Mixed nuts (takeaway) by Jane (myself)
There were a lot of excitement when we met. We chatted about baking, baking books, gossiped about other bloggers, and shared where to buy what. Basically, there was a lot of information exchanges! We also get to know more about one another. The youngest amongst us is only 18 years old! (I hope I get the age right). Can you imagine that there was no generation gap when it comes to baking?
Enough said, I was so glad everyone who promised to come, turned up eventually. It was quite rare as most of the time, the attendance for events is like 95% or so only. It was indeed a wonderful afternoon getting to know the rest of the bloggers. Blogging life, has suddenly become more interesting for me now. :) Thank you so much to my new found blogger friends.


  1. Wow what a successful event...hope that I will be able to join ur 3rd bloggers' potluck party. :)

  2. What a spread! All that food! Drool!

  3. Hi Angel,
    Yup, it was a very successful event! Next time, we'll love to include you too! :)

  4. Jane, thank you so much for coming! So glad to have gotten to meet the real Jane! I still miss your almond cream leh ... Hahaha! Oh, my friend and I love your nut mix!

  5. Hi Pei Lin,
    It was so good to meet you in person. You are what you are in blog posts and in person! Hahaha...I enjoyed your company too!
    Thanks for being an almond cream fan too! ;)

  6. Hello Jane!

    I just had your almond cream for breakfast!! I am so glad i took some home! Couldn't get enough of it. HAHA :D

  7. What a successful event, as good as the first one you organised :)

  8. Hi Yan Ee,
    Ya, I know you are a big fan of almond cream...and now, my almond cream. I'm so flattered! ;) Not overdosed? Hahaha...So happy you help me to finish them all!

    Hi HHB,
    Yes, it was a successful event. My 1st bloggers party wasn't so overwhelming as this though. :P
    Btw, just want to let you know that you're actually very popular amongst us bloggers! :) It's a pity we couldn't get to meet you. However, that's alright as long as we get to see your posts. It's all a matter of personal preference ya? :))

  9. Hi Jane, you are fast at posting too :). I love your almond cream, I nvr really fancy almond cream but you had change my mind! Oh and you are so friendly and chatty, so nice to meet you in person and have you as friend :).

  10. Jane, I couldn't get enough of your almond cream. Going to try to replicate this next week. Can tell me how much almonds needed to make a pot like yours?

    I was so busy chatting that I didn't "tapao" for myself. hahaha

  11. Hi Jess,
    It was truly nice meeting you too! I'm glad I made this almond cream in the end. I was like you, lost at what to make. :p Hope we can meet up more often.

    Hi Edith,
    Ya, you as the host, was so busy chatting with us, we "cleaned" up everything on your table!

    For my almond cream, it was made using 450g 南杏仁 and 75g 北杏仁. That's all the information I can provide now. :p

  12. Jane, no, this is not so much of personal preference. My ah lau is not so opened to this idea of me meeting up with fellow bloggers. I can't blame him for being too protective, coz of my bad track records...I once got conned while waiting for the school bus at the void deck (^^") A lady borrowed money from me to get a taxi to rush home and I gave her a $50 note. As expected, I never see the lady again even though she copied down my mobile no.
    I hope I am not giving the impression that I am a 'stuck-up' ;)

    btw, I am also glad to read that your 'shi fu', Grace is well enough to attend the party :):)

  13. Hi HHB,
    It just shows that you're too kind and your spouse is protecting you. I know you've never been stuck up, in fact, I find that you're a truly humble lady. It will be a pleasure to meet you. Again, it's still a matter of "protective" preference not to meet up with fellow bloggers. Truly, no worries about that.
    Yes, my dear friend has recovered, and well enough to "liang xiang". :)

  14. Wow, looks like everyone had fun eating and chatting!

  15. Hi Jane!

    It was WONDERFUL meeting up with you again and meeting the rest!

    I was so GLAD that I made it for the party! I can't imagine how much would I have missed out if I didn't turn up!

    I can't wait for the next one!! =D

  16. Jane, your almond cream was really good and you have so meticulously captioned each photo... I just realised everyone has similar photos except me - who has no photos to show!!! Sigh..I am just too lazy with my camera...hahaha

  17. Hi SSB,
    Oh yes. Even till now, I sort of missed the companion of those wonderful bloggers.

    Hi Youfei,
    Boy, I was glad you made it! Even though we didn't have much chance to chat, I'm sure we'll meet again another time. Catch up with you soon!

    Hi Shirley,
    Ya! You didn't even bring your camera! I was hoping to learn some photography skills from you! Hahaha...I've been waiting for the longest time. Nevermind, we can meet again some other time. There's always an opportunity, right? ;)
    Thanks very much for your compliments. :)

  18. Jane, thanks for being so understanding :)

  19. Hi Jane,

    It was nice meeting you at the party. Thanks for the really smooth almond cream and mixed nuts. I think among my whole family, I am the only one who takes almond cream. I just finished the whole mixed nuts by myself. nice!

    Hey congrats on winning the chaozhou inn vouchers. I wouldnt mind combining mine with yours. We can use it for the next meetup or something.

    Look forward to meeting you again. Cheers and take care =]

  20. Hi Bakertan,
    It was a pleasure knowing you too! I was quite surprised by your age as you looked so much younger. :)

    I'm so glad you like the nuts. Hope to see you soon too! :)

  21. True true, no age gap when it comes to people with the same interest.
    I met up with some bloggers that same weekends, with 3 of us, one is 40's or 50's, 30's and 20's.

  22. Hi Wendy,
    Oh yes, I heard about that gathering. Three is a good number to share more about yourself, and get more in depth understanding, isn't it? :)


Be free with your mind!