Saturday, July 17, 2010

Rosemary Chicken Frittata

"Frittata is an egg-based dish similar to an omelette or quiche, either simple or enriched with additional ingredients such as meats, cheeses, vegetables or pasta. It may be flavored with herbs." - Source Wikipedia.

I never knew there was such a thing as Frittata until I saw The Little Teochew posted up her Mini Veg Frittata. It looks really easy to prepare, delicious to eat and a full dish to please. Therefore, without hesitation, I decide to prepare this for our Saturday lunch. I found that such baking dishes are really versatile. Why did I say so? Because you add whatever you have in the fridge, or whatever you would like to have, change and tweak the ingredients to your liking. Furthermore, the taste won't be compromised (as long as you followed the fillings).

It was very well received by my family, especially my children as they are egg lovers. Here's the recipe on how I made them.
Recipe for Rosemary Chicken Frittata
(Makes approximately eight 3.5" x 3.5" tart dish)

300g Chicken breast meat, diced

1 medium Carrot, diced
2 stalks of Celery, diced
10 French beans, diced
2 sprigs fresh Rosemary, chopped finely
Some soya sauce
Some olive oil
Dash of pepper
Some garlic

11 Eggs
220g Whipping Cream
1 packet (250g) Mozzarella Cheese
1 packet Yellow tomatoes, halved
Dash of pepper
Dash of rock salt

1. Marinate chicken with rosemary, olive oil and soya sauce.
2. Heat a saucepan. Add some olive oil, then add garlic and stir fried till fragrant.
3. Then add in all the vegetables, and cook till soft.
4. Add in the chicken and stir fried until about 3/4 cook. Off the heat.
5. Prepare the tart dish.
6. Scoop the cooked ingredients into the dish evenly.
7. Sprinkle the cheese on top of the cooked food.
8. Arrange tomatoes evenly on each of the dish.
9. Fill up the dish with the eggs, whipping cream, pepper and salt mixture.
10. Bake in a preheat oven of 190C for 20mins, or until browned.
11. Serve while hot.

Feel free to change the ingredients anyway you like, or add any other ingredients. I supposed the essential ingredients are pepper, salt, eggs and whipping cream.

Well, if you want to know where I got all these pretty little baking dishes, they were from Daiso. I love to use them as they were just enough for a serving each.


  1. looks yummy and easy to prepare :)

  2. Lovely dish and delicious too! How I wish my hubby will take to these 'western' style of food. Then i can make this too!

  3. Jane, cheery-looking frittata! I LOVE those ramekins!!! Yes, you've got a Daiso addict here! Haha! I dare not enter Daiso so much because I usually would end up with an empty pocket in the end. Hard to window-shop ... I'd rather shop. LOL!

  4. Hi Jess,
    It sure is very easy to prepare. Do try it if you like quiche like I do. ;)

    Hi busygran,
    Oh, it's okay. You can prepare this for yourself when your spouse is not around. :p

    Hi Pei Lin,
    Thanks! Oh I totally agree with you. That explains why I've not been there for quite sometime already! You must visit our Daiso when you're here! ;p

  5. Oh Jane, you made some too! So glad everyone liked them ... they look so delicious. It's one of those easy and yummy dishes to prepare. Kids seem to love this. ;)

  6. Lovely frittatas! And it's vegetarian too, nice. Will try this version next time, thanks!

  7. Oh this looks like quiche! Does it taste this one? And I like those dishes you got from daiso ;-)

  8. Hi Ju,
    Thanks for your recommendation, otherwise, I wouldn't have known this frittata existed! :p Otherwise, I would have called this "crustless quiche"! :p

    Hi HBS,
    Yup, I'm sure you'll like this. Try this, and I'll be interesed to know your concotion. :)

    Hi quizzine,
    Ah yes, this is very much a "crustless quiche" as I would have called it. But the definition of frittata seems more appropriate. ;) Time for you to visit Daiso?

  9. This is nice, with cheese and tomatoes for topping...that's my favourite toppings..;)

  10. I love Daiso's baking pans too, perfect for single serving.
    I have a few, and am planning to get more.

    Hmm... I think I should try baking my dinners too. Save work.

  11. Hi Reese,
    My favourite too! Cheese, tomatoes and lots of veg! ;)

    Hi Wendy,
    I love baking for my meals too! Similar thinking as you, less work and less hassle too, right? ;)

  12. Hi Jane,
    This dish looks really appetizing! Yummy!

  13. I bet my kids will love this, bookmark immediately, Thanks for sharing.

  14. Hi Sonia,
    Thanks for dropping by. I'm sure your kids will enjoy this treat from you! :)

  15. Hi Jane,
    This dish looks really appetizing! Yummy!

  16. Hi Jess,
    It sure is very easy to prepare. Do try it if you like quiche like I do. ;)

    Hi busygran,
    Oh, it's okay. You can prepare this for yourself when your spouse is not around. :p

    Hi Pei Lin,
    Thanks! Oh I totally agree with you. That explains why I've not been there for quite sometime already! You must visit our Daiso when you're here! ;p

  17. Lovely frittatas! And it's vegetarian too, nice. Will try this version next time, thanks!


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