Friday, May 14, 2010

Baking with California Raisins Workshop

Earlier this month...

PAB: Grace, there's a free workshop on bread. You want to sign up or not? I am going.
KC: (sheepishly as she was in the middle of something) Huh? When will that be? What time?
PAB: It's on 11 May, starts at 2pm. Can you make it?
KC: What kind of bread are they teaching?
PAB: Don't know leh. But I think it's those kind of Continental Bread. The baker is from France. I'll send you the information, you take a look okay?
KC: Okay, can you sign up for me also?
PAB: Okay okay. See you then.

This was forwarded to her.

Came 11 May, Grace and I met for lunch at Lucky Plaza. Then we proceeded to Grand Hyatt Hotel for the event. As we were really early, we took the opportunity to take some pictures around the place. Slowly, people started streaming in. I also met Chef Judy from Creative Culinare. Caught up with her for a brief moment before the workshop started.

The workshop started with the organisers from California Raisins sharing with the benefits of using California Raisins in baking. Most of the participants are from the F&B industry, including Swissotel, Provence, Shatec etc. Then it was time for Chef Fred Mougel, a baker in France who owns two bakeries, to bring us through his bread baking theories. As he is French and can't speak English very well, Chef in Black, Emmanuel Stroobant was the facilitator for the workshop. He will help to translate words for Chef Fred if he has difficulties explaining. It was actually quite hilarious!

We had a great time, watching him going through the steps of bread making. He also explained the recipe and the methods in detail. It was rather thorough. There was also a short break during the workshop. The pastries served were really good. There were sandwiches, raspberries and rose macarons, japanese cheesecakes, cream puffs and fresh fruits. On the other table spread, were the breads baked by Chef Fred. The breads were really good. Grace and I love them very much. Some of the breads were baked using our Asian spices.  The taste was truly alluring!

We took the opportunity during the refreshment to take a picture with Chef in Black. It was a rare opportunity to be so up close and personal with him! Hahaha...

After the tea break, we continued with the steps on the bread making. We only get to see the dough being proved till before baking. By then, it was the end of the workshop. We were given some recipes of the breads created by Chef Fred with California Raisins, and also other recipes with California Raisins.

It was an enriching workshop, learning more about how french bakers made their breads. Both of us had a great time, learning from the professional, and tasting the pastries and breads!


  1. Oh Jane! You are very lucky to be able to learn and meet Emmanuel Stroobant!!!! Damn, he is hunky and hot and bake so well!!!!

  2. Jane, its so nice to join this workshop. How I wish I can..;p

  3. Hey Jane,
    It's really a fantastic seminar. I enjoyed it very much with you. Thanks a lot!

  4. Hi Quinn,
    Oh yeah! He was a pleasant surprise! Didn't expect to see him tho. And he's friendly! And he speaks very well and has a sense of humour!

  5. Hi Reese,
    Yes, it was a good learning experience. :) Best part was, it was free. Heehee...

  6. Yeah Grace, it was a fun learning day right? A fruitful afternoon!

  7. Yeah Grace, it was a fun learning day right? A fruitful afternoon!


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