Saturday, April 17, 2010

No Yolks No Butter

Ever since I started baking, I've seldom come across recipes without eggs and butter. Oh, I know there are, but it's either without eggs or without butter, but not without both. Even there is, I guess I've not tried them before.

However, when I got my hands on this book-Dessert's Temptation, I can't help but to try out one of the recipe the moment I got home! This recipe uses no butter and egg yolks. In fact, it was really healthy, using olive oil and egg whites only! Even the quantity of sugar used was extremely low! How would one not like it?

Having said so, the challenge was folding the thick flour mixture into the fragile meringue. I did have a hard time folding it, even though I did it with some tender loving care. But still, I thought the cake didn't rise very much though.

I was quite surprised that it turned out to be pretty soft & light. Light as in the cake was really light. But because of my heavy dates and raisins and the rest, the cake was heavy in its weight! My “very health conscious” colleague said it was very nice, while the rest of them also commented it good! However, my hubby didn't like it! He said it tasted weird! Then it occurred to me that he doesn't like healthy food! *sshh* Don't tell him I said so!

Recipe for Nutri Cake, modified from “Dessert's Temptation – Wendy's Delights”

40g Olive oil
60g Whole milk
100g Cake flour, sifted
1 Egg white
5 Egg whites
50g Fine sugar
8 Iran Dates, chopped finely
1 ½ tbsp Flaxseeds
1 ½ tbsp Rye oats (or rolled oats)
15g Raisins
20g Walnuts, chopped

(1) Heat olive oil and milk together up to 50°C.
(2) Remove from heat.
(3) Fold in (B).
(4) Put in (D) and mix well.
(5) In a separate bowl, beat egg whites and sugar until soft peaks form.
(6) Take some egg whites and fold gently into the flour mixture.
(7) Then add the flour mixture back to the egg whites bowl and stir gently.
(8) Pour into a 7” cake pan lined with baking paper.
(9) Bake at 180°C and bake for 30mins or until done.
(10) Cool completely before serving.


  1. Hey Jane,
    I will definitely like this cake because it's much healthier! I think if not adding too many raisin or nuts then it might be much easier to fold the mixture. Will you try out some chocolate recipes from that book? Please share some good recipes, I really wish to learn this kind of nutritious cake. Cheers!

  2. Hi Grace,
    When I was making the cake, I was actually thinking of you. Thinking how much you would have love this cake too! It's so healthy right? Ya, maybe if I don't add wlanuts and raisins, it might be easier. I'll probably try again next time! You try it and let me know ya?

  3. Hi Jane, I also own this book, my husband bought for me one year ago but so far I only tried two recipes from the book :( the cake u made is one of those I have bookmarked but yet to try due to my laziness to prepare the various ingredients.

  4. Hi Cook.Bake.Love,
    Aw, you've got this book? How lovely! You should try the original recipe. I think it suits you now since you are recovering from your childbirth. The ingredients are sort of tonic for you, especially if you're still bf. ;)

  5. Wow, what a nice recipe. I think I should go grab this recipe book. I will sure make this healthy recipe. It's kind of like an angel food cake?
    Looks very soft and fluffy!

  6. Hi tracieMoo,
    Yup. If you are health conscious, this recipe book is sure for you! Yes, it's really soft & fluffy.

  7. Jane,

    My husband bought this book at Popular book fair for me at $5 only, store is selling $10++.

  8. Hi Cook.Bake.Love,
    Ya, I got it about the same price as you. It's a good deal isn't it? Considering the recipes are pretty healthy. :)

  9. Jane,

    My husband bought this book at Popular book fair for me at $5 only, store is selling $10++.

  10. Hi Cook.Bake.Love,
    Aw, you've got this book? How lovely! You should try the original recipe. I think it suits you now since you are recovering from your childbirth. The ingredients are sort of tonic for you, especially if you're still bf. ;)


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