Monday, March 22, 2010

Steamed Yam Cake

Some weeks back, my dear friend Doris recommended me to try a Radish Cake recipe. I've been wanting to make some radish cake, gotten ready with all the ingredients, including rice flour. Then, I totally forgotten about the radish cake when I was planning for my workshops. Last week, when I went groccery shopping at the market, I saw this huge yam. I couldn't resist, and bought one, in anticipation that I will be making yam cake.

Finally, after keeping the yam for one week, I decided to make it yesterday, not wanting to let the yam go to waste. I prepared a lot more ingredients than required. I used the steamed yam cake recipe from Jo's Deli.  Somehow I didn't read the instructions carefully. Instead of switching off the heat after boiling the water, I added the batter mixture directly into the boiling water. Gosh! The batter mixture cooked and turned lumpy! I was panicked. Undecided whether to discard the whole the mixture or to salvage it.

I tried to add slightly more water to the batter...mixed them and see if it would turn smooth. Alas! It didn't! I added more water again, and tried my luck. Still it was lumpy! Alamak! Then, desperately trying the last method by using a handheld blender to blend the batter. Whoosh! After a few rounds, the mixture was as smooth as Hazeline Snow! *Phew* I sigh with relief! That ain't going to waste. Pleased with myself, I added in the remaining ingredients and proceeded as instructed.

I replaced the tung min flour with tapioca flour since I didn't have tung min flour. I also added more water than desired. My colleagues tried it today and they commented that the yam cake tasted really good! There were a lot of ingredients in the cake and was very flavourful! It was a case of kitchen-mishap-turned-lucky! I was glad I tried to salvage the batter, if not, I would probably have given up on making the yam cake!


  1. Oh dear, panic panic! I am glad you managed to think fast and work fast, and be rewarded with a tasty, beautiful yam cake! Phew!

  2. The yam cake looks delicious! And don't we always pray for mishap-turned-lucky ;-)

  3. The yam cake looks yummy, new to me!! tempting..

  4. Hi Ju,
    Ya boy! Was panicking in the kitchen with perspiration dripping down the apron! Hahaha... It was quite unsightly actually. Fortunately, the yam cake didn't fail me!

  5. Hi quizzine,
    Boy! I was truly lucky this time. It's not always the case, isn't it?

  6. Hi Jagruti,
    Yam cake is truly nice. You should try it!

  7. Jane,that was so smart of you trying to salvage things in kitchen. I'm happy it turned out well for you. I just hate throwing things away, especially edible F-O-O-D!

  8. Wooo..yam cake! I love yam cake since I was a little girl..:) My version is without "tang flour". Is the texture really smooth? Then I got to try this out!

  9. Hi Jane,
    Yam cake is one of my favorite food. When I eat "Ju Chiong Fan" I must eat it with this yam cake. But I have not tried to make it myself yet. This one looks very delicious one!

  10. Hi Quinn,
    I totally agree that I hate to throw food away too! It's quite a heartpain isn't it? I think when faced with a situation like mine, anyone who would have tried to salvage the food too! ;p

  11. Hi Reese,
    Gee, me too me too! I've always love my mum's yam cake. But now since I'm not staying with her, I'll need to make for myself to satisfy my cravings. :p The texture is smooth, but not exceptional soft, quit different from radish cake though. How about you give it a try and let me know if the recipe meets your standard? :p

  12. Hi Grace,
    Ah yes! Going for tim sum, this and chee cheong fun must not be left out right? At those hawker centre stalls, I'll also order one yam cake to go with chee cheong fun. Btw, we've yet to go Chinatown for our chee cheong fun leh. Letz arrange a day and go feasting again! Hahaha...

  13. Jane

    I have been craving for home made yam cake for the longest time ever! My mum used to make superb yam cake but now she stop liao.
    Any more for me???

  14. Fiona,
    Drop by my house on your way home. I still have some in the fridge. Can give you some. ;) But must qualify first, might not be as nice as your mum's!

  15. Yam cake is very new to me..looks gr8...First time here,me too lov baking,glad to follow u...

  16. Hi Vrinda,
    Thank you. I'll be glad to share too!

  17. Fiona,
    Drop by my house on your way home. I still have some in the fridge. Can give you some. ;) But must qualify first, might not be as nice as your mum's!

  18. Hi Quinn,
    I totally agree that I hate to throw food away too! It's quite a heartpain isn't it? I think when faced with a situation like mine, anyone who would have tried to salvage the food too! ;p

  19. Wooo..yam cake! I love yam cake since I was a little girl..:) My version is without "tang flour". Is the texture really smooth? Then I got to try this out!

  20. Jane,that was so smart of you trying to salvage things in kitchen. I'm happy it turned out well for you. I just hate throwing things away, especially edible F-O-O-D!


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