Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Road Trip to Melaka

(You have been warned, this post is long and contains lots of pictures)
A week ago, while my extended family were having coffee & drinks at Old Town Cafe in East Coast Park, my dad asked if we want to go Melaka the following week. We asked for the occasion and he said his supplier invited him to officiate the factory's cafe. We jumped at the idea, and asked if accomodation will be provided. He said it would be. Immediately, I shouted “I want three rooms!!” My third sister continued, “I need two.” Followed by my youngest sister, “One for me will do.” And so, the trip was considered confirmed.

The following day, my hubby asked me to check the expiry of the passports of my children. I checked and let out “ ARRRGGGGH! They are less than six months before expiry!” Without hesitation, I quickly took out the camera, took many shots, did some cropping and resizing, then immediately went to renew their passports online quickly. The next two days, I was very anxious that the passports might not be ready in time. I called them to enquire about the status of their application on Wednesdasy and they told me it will be ready for collection on Friday! What a close shave! Had I applied a day later, I will miss this wonderful outing with my family!!

Finally, Saturday came. We set out early, met my sisters and parents and set off. My dad's staff were also invited to the ceremony. For my extended family alone, there were 10 adults and five children travelling in three cars. My dad's staff travelled in another two cars. We took a break in Machap, then drove all the way to Ayer Keroh to meet a friend who brought us directly to the factory.
When we reached the factory, the owner (we shall call him Mr. Su), his spouse and his staff were there to greet us. They have also engaged lion-dance to welcome us. We felt like VIPs. We were then lead to a conference for a short presentation ceremony for my dad and his staff, followed by the official opening of the cafe. The occasion was very grand! After the opening ceremony, we had our lunch from the buffet spread in the cafe. It was almost like a business lunch, I should say. After lunch, they ordered durians for us straight from the plantation. Yum yum!
After our durian treats, we proceed to get “dressed” for a factory tour. The children were excited, and so were we. The had to wear hair cover, mask, over coat and shoe protector in order to enter into the factory. It was a hygiene requirement imposed for all staff and visitors. We toured the premise starting from how raw materials were mixed, to the baking of the biscuits and finally to the packing and cartoning. Then we were lead to a conference room where they did a company brief for us. After that, we hang around in the cafe while waiting for the rest of the sales staff to finish their sales meeting. We went to take pictures around the (external) factory premise. The children were getting restless, running around in the compound. Finally, the sales meeting ended, and we left the place in the late afternoon.

My dad's staff went back to Singapore while all of us (his precious daughters and family) stayed in Melaka. We were lead to our accomodation, which were managed by the same owner of the factory. It's called One Residence in Padang Temu. We were given two big units. Each unit has four big rooms. It was just right for us as we needed eight rooms! It was very spacious, bright and clean.


In the early evening, Mr Su and family came over to our place and help to direct us to the place for our dinner. It was at Restoran Keng Dom. And opposite the restaurant is Restoran Ole Sayang, which I had very fond memories of!

The food at Keng Dom was simply awesome! Each and every dish was very fresh, portion was big enough for us, and the quality of the food was truly good!

After dinner, I told them we wanted to go Jonker Street for a walk. We had insisted that we will go ourselves as it was nearly 10pm. However, a few of them insisted to bring us there, making us feel like we're bothersome. Eventually, we agreed. It was rather difficult to find parking along the roads as they were very narrow. They managed to direct us to a paid parking area and paid for us.

Night scene of Jonker Street


As I was concentrating on holding on to my girl, I didn't have another hand to bring out my camera to take pictures. It was very crowded on a Saturday night. From the way I see it, seemed like mostly are locals, not tourists. We didn't really buy anything from there.

Then, it was time to leave as it was getting late, and we were dead tired from the day's event! Again, they lead us back to our residences. By the time we retired, it was already past mid-night.

The following day, they came to meet us again and brought us to the Geographer Cafe in Jonker Walk. The foods are very interesting. For example, instead of the Bak Ku Teh, they have Sukuteh which is like vegetarian. It's very much like a cafe for the health conscious people. The taro rice was actually brown rice. The food is truly yummy without compromising the taste! We ordered curry tempeh, chocolate banana cake and apple pie to share after our main course of breakfast!

Day Scene of Jonker Street 

After a hearty breakfast, we were lead to the newly opened shopping centre- AEON Bandaraya Melaka Shopping Centre at No.2 Jalan Legenda, Taman 1 - Legenda. We ventured separately when we were there. My dad's friends left us finally. We felt so bad to have imposed on them for two days. They were really kind to have brought us all over the place, and accompanied us all the way.

I didn't manage to buy my baking stuff even though I brought a list along! Hahaha... However, I did buy some clothes for my children. After walking around for two hours, we were hungry and tired again. We decided it was time for lunch. We went to a steamboat restaurant. The prices were a real steal! Besides ordering a set each, we also ordered from the a-la-carte menu to share. 15 of us racked up a bill of RM250 only! (That was the only time we paid for our own meals! :p)

After our sumptuous lunch, it was time to go. We pumped up our petrol before we hit the NS highway back to Singapore.  On the way, we stopped at one of the rest area to buy "tao sa pian" and fruits. Then it was all the way to Tuas Checkpoint. By the time we reached Singapore, it was already 7pm. We took our dinner at Yuhua market before going home separately.

Even though it was a short trip, it was a significant trip for all of us, especially for my dad! After slogging hard for the family and company, he was given the due recognition over the weekend. We were truly happy for him, and that we formed part of this fond memories that he will cherish. :))


  1. Hi Jane,
    Can feel that you really have got a wonderful trip!! Hope this holiday had given you re-charge your baking inspiration.

  2. Hi Grace,
    Yup, I've been recharged! Thanks!

  3. Oh Jane, I am so happy for you and your whole family, esp your dad! It's a very heartwarming post indeed. :) Glad all of you had a wonderful trip and good food. The food looks AMAZING! I am sure you'll all remember this trip for a long time, being treated like VIPs and all. ;) Wonderful post!!

  4. Hi Ju,
    Thanks for dropping by. Yes, it's a day we will all remember as days, months and years go by. ;)

  5. Hey Jane,
    What a nice trip you had!! I like travelling too, but it has been a long time since I travelled with my family (parents & sisters).
    Guess I have to plan some travelling with my parents someday..:) It sounds fun!

  6. Hi Reese,
    The trip was really enjoyable! I've always love travelling with my family as we are very close and it's really fun. Ya, you should plan some trip with your parents. Don't wait, just do it ya?

  7. Hi Jane. It sounds like you had such a wonderful trip- and how great it is that you got to spend some valuable time with your family.

    It has been ages since I've been to Melaka. After seeing your food photos, it looks like I have to make a trip down soon! :)

  8. Hi Laureen,
    Yes, it was really a refreshing and recharged trip!
    Ya, if you can afford the time, make a trip down and let your hair down! ;)

  9. Hi Jane,

    Sound so interesting.. I'm going this weekend with my family staying at one residence too.

    Is the environment safe ? I'm bringing children along so safety is my main piority.

    Btw, Restoran Keng Dom is it near to one residence ? And also did you try Ole Sayang Restoran as well ?

    Thanks for your advise.

  10. Hi Kim,
    The surrounding is quite quiet and nice. However, you stil have to be extra careful. Make sure all the doors and gates are locked. There are some security patrolling the place once a while. So it's still quite alright.
    Unfortunately, Restoran Keng Dom and Ole Sayang are not near to One Residence. You'll need to get the address for them. It's about 20-25mins drive from One residence due to the traffic condition in melaka. I've been to Ole Sayang some 10 years ago. I love that place. However, I don't know if the standard is still there. Keng Dom is a very good place for dinner.
    Hope this is useful. Btw, on the way in, you can stop by Machap for toilet and makan break. It's quite a big place to have a break.
    Have lots of fun! Enjoy!

  11. Hi Jane,

    In fact we juz came back b4 CNY and stayed in Hotel Equatorial and its awesome, but since we are going in a big group we intend to try this.
    We normally stop by a number of Machap for toilet break and rest.

    Thanks for your advise and have a nice day !


  12. Hi Jane,

    Sound so interesting.. I'm going this weekend with my family staying at one residence too.

    Is the environment safe ? I'm bringing children along so safety is my main piority.

    Btw, Restoran Keng Dom is it near to one residence ? And also did you try Ole Sayang Restoran as well ?

    Thanks for your advise.

  13. Hey Jane,
    What a nice trip you had!! I like travelling too, but it has been a long time since I travelled with my family (parents & sisters).
    Guess I have to plan some travelling with my parents someday..:) It sounds fun!


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