Sunday, February 21, 2010


There were just too much CNY goodies at home, awaiting either for consumption or rejection. Some were kept too long that it grew moulds. Others were consumed even before it has chance to be infested by the spores of the mould.

One of them which turns mouldy very fast is the 年糕 (nian gao or sticky cake). In order to prevent it from turning mouldy, I placed it in the fridge. So this morning, I decided to pan-fried the sticky cake. Actually, fried it with self-raising flour will be so much nicer. However, since I decided that I want to eat more healthyly, I figured pan fried is good enough.

It's actually very simple to prepare. You need about 2 eggs for a 4" sticky cake. Cut the 年糕 into thin slices so that it's easier to pan fried. Dip the 年糕 into the beaten eggs and placed them on the non-stick pan with some cooking oil on medium heat. Turn it over after a few minutes. Once the 年糕 has soften, it's ready.

As I used 3 eggs, I had some leftovers. So I used the leftovers of the eggs to make scrambled eggs for my youngest boy. There is a good video on how to make good scrambled eggs on ieatishootipost blog. I didn't followed it because I've already beaten the eggs. Well, it's not too bad anyway!


  1. wow pan fried nian that a common way of using it up?...very interesting (^^)

  2. Hi zurin,
    Ah yes. That's one of the simplest way to eat it. The more complicated ways will be to sandwich either yam or sweet potatoes between two pieces of nian gao, then use self raisiing flour to deep fried it. It's just.. OOMPHH! ;)

  3. Reading your blog prompted me to take a look at my own nian gao - it has turned moldy! I better find some way to use it up!

  4. Hi Shirley,
    Thanks for dropping by. I love your blog! I understand that you can wash the mould away, then fried it. You think it'll be okay to eat?

  5. Hi Jane,
    Everyone is making this glutinous rice cake.. I think must eat them before I back to Spore. My MIL will make good one :P

  6. Hi Jane, you reminded me of the 'nian gao'..hee hee! Guess I have to fry it by this week...;p

  7. Hi Jane,
    I like to eat pan-fried nian gao too. I bought one, and if i have the time i'll wrap them like spring roll, sandwich between sweet potato and yam... yummy ;-)

  8. Hi Grace,
    Wow, your MIL can make? It's so nice to have home made food. Ask her to make more so that you can bring back to Sgp and slowly enjoy them! ;)

  9. Hi Reese,
    Actually the nian gao can be kept in the fridge for a while. Only when you finished all those other perishable CNY goodies, then you take out and fried and slowly enjoy them! ;)

  10. Aw quizzine, that's the best way to eat the nian gao!! But I was too lazy to go through the trouble, so I settled for the second best way! Heehee...

  11. Hi Jane, I think we all face the problem of "clearing" our CNY food. :) Have you tried sandwiching with sweet potato and yam slices before coating in batter? I find that it cuts down the sweetness of the niangao.

  12. Silly me. Of course you do! I just saw your reply to Zurin's comment! ;)

  13. Hi Ju,
    Oh yes, I truly think that will be the best way to consume the nian gao! But I'm just too lazy to go thru the trouble. I only had this luxury when I stayed with my mum last time. :p Now, I can only make do with the simplest and easiest way of eating them... How are you going to eat your nian gao?

  14. Hi jane, would like to let u know that Amy had left BITC. So sad....

  15. Hi,
    Yes, I'm aware she left BITC already. She has gone for greener pasture, which is better for her.

  16. great post. glad that you shared this with everyone.cakes on line

  17. Hi Jane,
    I like to eat pan-fried nian gao too. I bought one, and if i have the time i'll wrap them like spring roll, sandwich between sweet potato and yam... yummy ;-)

  18. Reading your blog prompted me to take a look at my own nian gao - it has turned moldy! I better find some way to use it up!


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