Thursday, December 24, 2009

Homemade Vanilla Extract 2

For the longest time, I've been wanting to make more vanilla extracts. Mainly because I don't want to waste the vanilla pods that I still have. But at the same time, I can't find a suitable bottle to make the extract. I still have the vanilla extract I made the previous time. Ever since I started using my own vanilla extract, I just can't use vanilla essence anymore! Since the last time I made the extract, I had constantly added more vodka and even vanilla beans into it when the volume grew lesser and lesser.

Finally, I found my bottle. Time to make my second bottle of vanilla extract. I got very excited when I made my second bottle. I can dream my dream away that I'll have endless supply of my vanilla extract. Isn't that wonderful?

These were the ingredients that went into my vanilla extract - 6 Madagascar Vanilla pods + Absolut Vodka. Plus two months of "standing" and "shaking".

I packed a small bottle for a dear friend, who has taught me a lot, and shared her baking experience with me unreservely. Thanks dear D! It is really a pleasure to know you!


  1. Merry Christmas Jane! May 2010 be a fruitful and super great year for you & your family! ;)

  2. Hi HBS,
    Thanks! Merry Christmas to you and your family too!

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  4. Hi Anonymous,
    Thank you very much for your compliments and encouragement. Do keep your feedback and comments coming. It's very encouraging to know that it's getting better! :)

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  9. Merry Christmas Jane! May 2010 be a fruitful and super great year for you & your family! ;)


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