Monday, December 7, 2009

He's 10!

My eldest son has just turned a perfect 10! I had decided to have a simple celebration at home with my in-laws. Come to think of it, it has been a memorable 10 years for us. He was the first grandson in both my family and my in-laws. When he was a baby & toddler, he was under my parents care. My parents doted very much on him. My dad will buy some expensive stuff for him to play, while my mum will buy some expensive fish, brown rice and other foods for him. So he is quite pampered.

He has since grown from a very adorable boy, to a little pump cutie. It wasn't easy when he started going to school. He belongs to the kind that needs "pecking", nagging, canning and scolding before he will study. Initially, I will teach him during examinations or tests, after his P3, I sort of gave up. I let my spouse take over that role. I'm just too impatient to coach him anymore.

Coincidentally, after the birth of my eldest boy, my third sister bought an optical fibre christmas tree for me. Since then, I've been keeping it with me and bringing it out every Christmas. It's no exception this year. We took out the christmas tree as part of the celebration. The christmas tree with its optical fibre lights is easy to assemble and dis-assemble. It's so durable to own such a christmas tree!

The menu for the celebration party were:

1. Appetiser 1 : Oriental Salad.

2. Appetiser 2 : Baked Potatoes. The inspiration was from Elinluv's Tidbits Corner. I simplify the ingredients.

3. Appetiser 3 : Mushroom soup. The soup was very diluted as I didn't add starch to it.

4. Main : Chicken Puff Pies. Chicken pies of all sizes. I made two big, and six individual share to feed nine adults and six children. Of course there were some left overs.

5. Dessert 1 : Chocolate Rum Bars. Ya, I had lots of cakes in my fridge. Heehee... But they were not those "spoilt" ones. They were the leftovers...

6. Dessert 2 : Birthday cake as requested by the birthday boy - Oreo Cheesecake. I bought mini oreos to decorate the cake. But guess what, there was one mini oreo short!!! Goodness! I wanted to scream out "HELP!" However, when it comes to singing the birthday song, I managed to put the candle on the "flower" of the missing oreo place! *whew!* Close shave!

7. Drinks : Homemade Gourmet Lemongrass Tea. I boiled many sticks of lemongrass, let it infused overnight. The following day, I poured the lemongrass water out and add fresh water to the pot of lemongrass and boiled again. After I turned off the heat, I put lipton tea into it to let it infused, together with some sugar. Let it cooled down completely. Then mixed the first round of lemongrass water with the second round with the tea. Placed it in the fridge. Before serving, add some ice. It's very very refreshing. If you like lemongrass, try this. I'm a BIG BIG fan of lemongrass. Also, drinking lemongrass will keep mosquitoes off from you...for at least 24 hours! ;)

At the end of the evening, my sister-in-laws managed to packet some of the leftover goodies home. I'm glad they enjoyed the food. I had spent hours preparing them with the help of my domestic helper. Even though I was really tired from the preparation, I think it was really worth the effort!


  1. Happy Birthday Aloysius! Wow the Oreo Cheesecake looks so yummylicious!

  2. Hi Wen,
    Thank you! He did have a HAPPY birthday. He got what he wanted from us. ;)

  3. Hi Jane,
    Happy birthday to your son! He looks very clever boy!! He is really blessed with the love of grandpa grandma and papamama. Eldest always quite a lucky one :)

  4. Hi Grace,
    Thanks Grace! Yes, the first child is usually the most lucky one. He is truly blessed! ;p

  5. Hi Jane,
    Happy Birthday to your boy, and to you too! It is also the 'Birth'day for the mother who gave birth to such a handsome boy! I am sure you had a wonderful time for the past 10 years. Here's wishing you a great xmas holidays :)

  6. Hi Happy Homebaker,
    Many thanks for your wishes! Same to you too - another great & wonderful mother
    Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you too! Don't we just wish school will not re-open so soon? ;)

  7. Awww, what a handsome boy! My eldest is also 10! :) You're such a doting and talented mom.

  8. Hi Ju,
    Oh yes, I read about your girl's medi-pedi party! You're such a modern and lovely mother to have! So supportive! Seriously, you're too young to have a child of 10! Hahaha... Thanks! :)

  9. Hi Happy Homebaker,
    Many thanks for your wishes! Same to you too - another great & wonderful mother
    Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you too! Don't we just wish school will not re-open so soon? ;)

  10. Hi Wen,
    Thank you! He did have a HAPPY birthday. He got what he wanted from us. ;)


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