Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Too Early?

I've thinking for a long time to bake-Hot Cross buns! Finally, I tried my hands on them today. My hubby and I have been fans since we started having them when we were in Melbourne a decade ago. He likes buns with sweet taste in the morning. Since I'm not working today, I tried to bake the Hot Cross buns. Too early for Easter? Or late for Easter? Doesn't matter, as long as we like it, anytime is Hot Cross Buns' day!

By the way, the recipe was extracted from Alex Goh's "World of Bread". The next one I'm going to try will be from one of my favourite blog- Eat and Be Happy's Hot Cross Buns"! Yummy!

[Updated on 18 Nov '09]
Since my dear friend Adeline asked for the recipe, here is the recipe, just for you Adel!
Recipe for Hot Cross Buns, extracted from Alex Goh's book.

250g Bread flour
35g Sugar
1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tbsp Milk powder
1/4 tsp Cinnamon powder
2 tsp Instant yeast
1 Egg
100ml Cold water
25g Butter
70g Raisins
30g Mixed peels

Topping Paste
50g Plain flour
1 tbsp Oil
60ml Water

1. Mix (A) till well blended. Add (B) and mix to form a dough.
2. Add (C) and mix to form a smooth, elastic dough.
3. Add (D) and mix till well blended.
4. Let it proved for 45mins.
5. Divide the dough into two and mould into balls.
6. Divide the dough balls into 50g pieces and mould them into balls. Put them in a greased tray.
7. Let them proved for a further 45mins, or till they double in size.
8. Prepare topping paste: Mix the plain flour with the oil, then add water and mix to form a smooth paste. Set aside.
9. Brush with egg wash and pipe a cross on top with topping paste.
10. Bake in the middle of the oven at 190C for 12mins. Serve.

Adel, you freeze one for me! ;)


  1. I LLLLUUUUUVVVVV Hot Cross Buns! Usually I'll get mine from Four Leaves Bakery as I love theirs! I cannot find Alex Goh "world of bread" book leh, can share the recipe? :P drooools

  2. Hi Adeline,
    Yoyo...you also like moi, love Hot Cross Buns arh?
    Ok, ok, just for you my dear friend, will post the recipe.

    Will try to bake these during my office closure after xmas and will freeze one for you ah! drooling just thinking about it. THANKS THANKS THANKS!

  4. Hi Adeline,
    Yoyo...you also like moi, love Hot Cross Buns arh?
    Ok, ok, just for you my dear friend, will post the recipe.

    Will try to bake these during my office closure after xmas and will freeze one for you ah! drooling just thinking about it. THANKS THANKS THANKS!


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