Sunday, October 25, 2009

How much can you achieve in a day?

How much can you achieve in a day, assuming you don't have to do housework? I wonder what do employers do when their maids are taking their day off on a Sunday. It was my helper's day off today. She was really kind to help me to settle the children's basic needs (like preparing breakfast and bathing them) before going out. That left me enough time to do my Yam Cake in the morning. I had some frozen yams from PH previously and thought I might as well use it for my yam cake. I didn't really follow the recipe exactly, and so, I think the yam cake didn't turned out that well. Fortunately, it's is edible!

While the yam cake was steaming, I spent time with my twins to do some fondant moulding. Quizzine has very kindly did a step-by-step guide for Grace and myself on moulding bumble bees. So I thought I might as well do it with my children. As the more we mould, we ventured into moulding other stuff - fruits and pizza. Finally, here was what we did.

After lunch, we went to Kitchen Capers to buy some stuff. Gina was there, preparing for her demo class at KC. Then we came back for my children to rest as my daughter was not feeling well. While they were on their "independant" mode, I had the chance to do some bakings. No prize on guessing what I baked! It was pound cakes again. This time, I decided to add chopped almonds to the pound.

After baking, I prepare ingredients for dinner. When my helper is not around, I'd prefer to cook very simple dish - fried noodles. It's good and it's easy. My hubby and myself are great fans of noodles!

When I was taking my dinner, then I realised how tired my feet was! It just feel so good to be seated and resting!!


  1. That's alot that u have achieved for the whole day! Your kids are very creative in their fondant making, and i bet it must be very enjoyable to do it with them. I'm waiting for my turn to come ;-) Looking at your yummy pound cakes, i wanna bake some for myself too!

  2. Hi Jane,
    Really can't imagine how could you do so many things in a day! Brilliant! Would you like to try coffee pound cake?

  3. Hi quizzine,
    Think I'd better qualify my day! Fortunately my hubby did all the ferrying of my son's enrichment classes, which leaves me FREE for myself! ;) My kids take instructions from me to do the fondant. My creativity is limited, that was why the fondants turned out so "kidish"! Hahaha...

    Hi Grace,
    Yah, with the help of my hubby, I can do lots of things in a day! Heehee... You can also! Do you have recipe for coffee pound? I would like to try too! Thanks!

  4. Hi Jane,
    Your husband is really helpful! I think coffee poucnd cake would be very nice. Too bad I don't have any coffee pound cake recipe. But, I got an earl grey tea pound cake recipe which I've not tried before. If you like to have it, give me some time to translate it for you ok.

  5. Ooh I love yam cake. Is it easy to make?

    By the way, your barista class sound like so much fun- i'm so jealous!

  6. Hi Jane,

    I love pound cakes for b'fast and tea break.

    Appreciate if you can email receipe on orange & almond pound cake to me at

    Thanks a lot
    Yr student at cookie class

  7. Hi Grace,
    Ya, I also dun have one. Maybe I'll go and find one. Hey, don't bother to translate for me. Only when you try and post it up in your blog, then I'll go and try too! :p

    Hi Laureen,
    Oh yes, Yam cake is really ez pz. Remember I only do ez stuff? Hahaha... The important thing about a yam cake is actually the water to rice flour ratio. Check out the link to Jo's blog for the recipe. It's really good! ;)
    Ah...sign up for a barista workshop too! Then you will be competent too! ;)

    Hi Esther,
    I'll be teaching pound cakes in my workshop. Therefore, I will not post any pound cakes recipes for now. Hope you can understand. Thanks.

  8. Hi Grace,
    Ya, I also dun have one. Maybe I'll go and find one. Hey, don't bother to translate for me. Only when you try and post it up in your blog, then I'll go and try too! :p

    Hi Laureen,
    Oh yes, Yam cake is really ez pz. Remember I only do ez stuff? Hahaha... The important thing about a yam cake is actually the water to rice flour ratio. Check out the link to Jo's blog for the recipe. It's really good! ;)
    Ah...sign up for a barista workshop too! Then you will be competent too! ;)

    Hi Esther,
    I'll be teaching pound cakes in my workshop. Therefore, I will not post any pound cakes recipes for now. Hope you can understand. Thanks.

  9. Hi Jane,
    Really can't imagine how could you do so many things in a day! Brilliant! Would you like to try coffee pound cake?


Be free with your mind!