Thursday, October 1, 2009

Glutton for a Day

The day has been arranged and fixed a month ago. Two ladies had been waiting for this day - 30 Sep. One wanted to be a glutton, knowing that she will be served good quality home made food. The other was excitedly preparing and baking food, hoping that her guest will be happy with her bakes.

Finally, the time has come for "Passionate About Baking" to meet "Kitchen Corner" again. Ever since Grace and I first met in March, we have been keeping in contact. Then we met up again during the first blogger's party in May. We had been postponing our appointment to meet up for quite a while as she was busy shuttling between Singapore and Malaysia. I believe our friendship was able to sustain because both of us take the effort to keep in contact. It takes two to tango. I like her because I feel that she is very sincere and simple person. She has no airs, and is all so willing to share her baking experience. Ok, so I'm the glutton here.

I had been invited to her place for lunch. She specifically told me "...don't bring anything, just bring an empty stomach..." So I obliged. I was secretly hoping to have her "Jamie Oliver's burger" and my wish came true! Well, I didn't request for it for fear that there will be too much preparation for her. I just want to catch up with her on the happenings after our last meeting.

Okay, here was what I was being fed...
The main course were Homemade burger with baked potato and sweet potatoes. Followed by sweet potato curry puff. And ended with a strawberry yogurt ice-cream on chocolate tart.

We also wanted to try making macarons together. And so we did that after our heavy lunch. That was Grace doing all those work while I was "supervising" at one corner. Heehee...

Unfortunately, our macarons didn't turn out well. It's like the blind leading the blind. It's actually my fault. I felt quite bad the macarons didn't turn out to be what we hoped. Even though the macarons didn't have fritty feet, with the addition of Grace's buttercream, it tasted very very good. She filled them with green tea, coffee, blackberry and her homemade peanut butter and blackcurrant jam. All these buttercreams were really really good. Her homemade peanut butter was really rich and thick, yummy!

The best part about our rendezvous was... I get to "take away" too! These were my "take away" treats (in the picture) - Chocolate almond cookies, ang ku kueh, snow skin mooncakes, her attempted macarons, coffee chiffon cake (not in the picture) and her biscotti.

Now, will someone tell me, am I one of the luckiest person (besides Eric, her spouse) or what? Her bakes are all so yummy, and so beautifully presented. And because of the good food I had at her place, I had to eat "simpler" food today! Hahaha...

Well, like I said, it takes two to tango. I knew I'll get good food when I go to her place, so, I just can't go empty handed. I've also shared with her some stuff which I baked over the week. They were - petit fours, chocolate macarons, walnut moontarts and green tea pound cake. And some of my chocolate modelling roses and some fondant cut flowers. I'm just glad she liked them.

Anyway, thanks Grace for hosting me yesterday. I think you won't considered me as a free-loather since I worked (washing the dishes) for my meals! I really enjoyed your company and to taste your wonderful bakes! Thank you, terima kasih and 谢谢.


  1. What a wonderful post! Although I can't enjoy the food prepared by both of you, I enjoy reading about the friendship between the two of you. It's amazing that friendships can be made thru blogging :) I will never believe it if I am not in this blogging world. May the two of you become BFF!

  2. Hi HHB,
    Thanks for dropping by again. :) I'm happy when you leave comments. Yup, I've also realised that thru blogs, you can form friendships. I've met a number of bloggers, and some are quite close (thru emails) though don't really have the time to meet up. Thanks, I hope we can become BFF, provided she stays here longer! Heehee... Both of us can visit you too, after the exams if you allowed! Hahaha...*test water again* ;)

  3. You are most welcome Jane! It's my pleasure to have you in a very short afternoon. And thanks for all the sweet stuffs you gave me, all already digested in Eric and my stomach :P We like the pound cake, durian muffins, macarons and the petits you made, there all very yummy and most inportant thing it is all made from your heart. Not to forget, the walnut moontart is really good. I would like to order some from you for the coming chinese new year please.
    Thank you for guiding me for the macarons making process. I feel the result wasn't important, in fact the process brought lots of fun and that's the most valuable things. Once again, thanks for your time and everything. God bless you & your family!

  4. Hi Grace,
    You're most welcome! I'm glad both Eric and yourself like the pound cake. I thought it was slightly overcooked. :p Thanks for inviting me to your house. Let's do it again sometime. Heehee...

  5. Envy envy! So nice that you ladies can meet up and share a great afternoon together. ;) Next time must invite me also harr..*thick skin*. ;)

  6. Hi HBS,
    Sure sure! Next time when you are back, we'll include you. Then we'll have the biggest feast of the year together! ;)

  7. Just visited your blog today. It's very interesting & I enjoyed it. Keep it up !

  8. Hi Petit Nyonya,
    Thanks for visiting. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I hope there are valuable information here to keep you coming back! ;)

  9. Wow it sounds like you both had quite the feast!

  10. Hi Laureen,
    Thanks, but not as good as your trip to Penang and (my favourite) Melbourne!! ;)

  11. Hey, count me in your big feast hor!!!

  12. Hi quizzine,
    Looks like it's time for another food bloggers' party!!! Yipppeeee!

  13. Hi quizzine,
    Looks like it's time for another food bloggers' party!!! Yipppeeee!

  14. Hi Laureen,
    Thanks, but not as good as your trip to Penang and (my favourite) Melbourne!! ;)

  15. Just visited your blog today. It's very interesting & I enjoyed it. Keep it up !

  16. Wow it sounds like you both had quite the feast!

  17. Hi Grace,
    You're most welcome! I'm glad both Eric and yourself like the pound cake. I thought it was slightly overcooked. :p Thanks for inviting me to your house. Let's do it again sometime. Heehee...


Be free with your mind!