Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Yuzu Chiffon Cake

I bought this Yuzu 柚子 concentrate paste from Kitchen Capers since May, and I've not used it now! Actually, using it now is also finding an excuse, otherwise, I don't know when I'll use it! I remembered seeing from Gina's blog about her post on the chiffon. But somehow, I couldn't find it, only to realise, I've seen wrongly! :p It was actually UME Plum Chiffon Cake. So instead of using UME Plum, I replaced the recipe with Yuzu.

I loved the smell of the Yuzu (citrus fruit). When it was baking in the oven, the nice citrus smell that filled the air just made me swallowed my saliva! You know how those sour sour smell that you get sometimes just made you swallowed your saliva for no reason? Well, this is it!

I tweaked the recipe a little, and found that it didn't turned out to be a perfect chiffon. However, I would say it's really nice and soft, very suitable to be a sponge cake. I think I'll use this exact recipe to bake a sponge cake in future!

Recipe for Yuzu Chiffon Cake, modified from Taste of Time.

Ingredients A:
4 Egg yolks
125g Plain flour
80g UHT milk
2.5 Tbsp Yuzu concentrate paste*

Ingredients B:
5 Egg whites
1/2tsp Cream of Tartar
60g Fine sugar (Original 80g, I found it too sweet)

1. In a mixing bowl, add egg yolks to whip till well mixed.
2. Add milk, fruit paste to stir. Then add flour and stir to mix evenly. Set aside.
3. Whip egg whites and cream of tartar in a mixer till foamy. Then pour in sugar slowly.
4. Whip till it peaks. Then fold in egg yolk batter with it.
5. Pour into tube pan. I used 8" which was too big. 6" tube pan should be just nice for it to rise highly.
6. Bake in preheated oven 160C for 35 mins.

You can get Yuzu concentrate paste from Kitchen Capers store.

The following day, I decided not to do any bakings. Instead, I decorated some cookies to practice my skills!


  1. Hi Anna,
    Thanks. Just practicing with some leftover cookies and royal icings. :p

  2. Jane, the Yuzu paste is sweeter than the other pastes. I guess its may be due to it being a citrus fruit, the Japanese added more sugar to lighten the sourness. So you are correct to lessen the sugar in your recipe.

  3. Hi Gina,
    Thanks! Just curious, how come this chiffon is so thick and has no oil? But the taste of Yuzu is really really good! I really love it. Let me finish my bottle and I'll go and get some more from you! Thanks. :)

  4. I'm tempted to get some yuzu paste! haha! I've never really liked citrus fruit in the past until I started using oranges for a start in my bakes. Now I'm learning to appreciate it's taste and versitility in baking =p yum yum!

  5. Hi Youfei,
    Aiyo, you don't know what you've been missing all these time! I simply love citrus fruits, for baking and eating! Ah yes, you must buy this paste. It's just sooo wonderful!

  6. Hi Jane,
    Good try on Yuzu chiffon recipe. I must give it a try when I get the yuzu paste. Yuzu chiffon still not at my chiffon corner yet :P

  7. Jane, my chiffon cake recipes uses no oil. the so called fat comes from the milk. i like it this way as its softer, lighter in taste and flavour. I very health conscious mah,..!

  8. Jane, Rei also bought the Yuzu paste. She was supposed to use it for her macaroons. I wonder if she found time to do it. Wai Fun also bought. I think she will use it for a birthday cake for her daughter.

  9. Hi Grace,
    You'll have to try it one day! I'm so tempted to go KC to buy more concentrates. The next I want to try maybe - Royal Tea? Heehee...Let's go one day to buy together?

    Hi Gina,
    Thanks for your explanation. I've yet to see Rei & Wai Fun using it for their baking. Will check how they use it. Thanks again!

  10. Jane, new flavours in my store: Rose and Blueberry. Also got 3 new Gels(Amaretto, Curaco and Kirsch). Am baking Rose Cookies now..later will bring down for people to sample. Of course recipes will be given out free!

  11. Wow, indeed cool topic. How can I find that RSS?

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  12. Jane, Rei also bought the Yuzu paste. She was supposed to use it for her macaroons. I wonder if she found time to do it. Wai Fun also bought. I think she will use it for a birthday cake for her daughter.

  13. Hi Gina,
    Thanks! Just curious, how come this chiffon is so thick and has no oil? But the taste of Yuzu is really really good! I really love it. Let me finish my bottle and I'll go and get some more from you! Thanks. :)


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