Sunday, September 6, 2009

Swiss Rolls and Jap Sweet Potatoes

I bought some strawberries last week and found that they were really sour! I knew nobody would wanted to eat those, including myself. So I've decided that I shall bake a cake sheet, then turned it into swiss rolls. I mixed the strawberries with the frozen blueberries and cooked them with sugar to form berries sauce for the swiss rolls.

I didn't do very well with the rolling of the swiss rolls. Somehow, they don't turn out to be tight as I wanted them to be! Maybe my filllings were too thick? I shall be less generous next time. *excuse*

Ever since our last Food blogger's party, I've been thinking about Rei's sweet potato cake. Finally, this week I saw that the Japanese sweet potatoes were having sales. Without hesitation, I bought quite a few and decided to make the sweet potato cake. I can't quite remember the taste, but after I boiled the sweet potatoes, it was so sweet I decided not to add coconut where I had originally intended to! So what I did was just to add salted butter into the mashed potatoes, put them into the baking cups and baked them for about 25mins. It was really nice. The natural sweetness from the jap sweet potatoes was really really good! Yummy. I shall again next time with coconut, unless I ask Rei for the recipe. :p


  1. Oooh I love swiss rolls. I can never roll them up tightly enough too and my fillings always ooze out. But I guess as long as they taste good, no one complains right? :D

  2. Hey Jane, I miss the sweet potato cake too! It's very yummy one!

  3. that looks healthy and yummy! i love sweet potatoes too

  4. Hi Laureen,
    I didn't know you had a problem too! You made them too? I'm sure with practice, you'll be able to do it well too! Ya, as long as they taste good, nobody complaints!

    Hi Grace,
    OOh... you missed it? Me too! That was why I tried to replicate it. Can't wait for the next party mah! Hahaha...

    Hi Missy,
    Yes, it sure is! No added sugar, no preservatives. Just al-natural! ;)

  5. Hi Jane,

    Thanks for the treat! It was REALLY good. =DD

    I wished I could have one more =pp

  6. Hi Youfei,
    I'm so glad you like it! I'm sure you can make it equally, or even better than me! ;)

  7. Oooh I love swiss rolls. I can never roll them up tightly enough too and my fillings always ooze out. But I guess as long as they taste good, no one complains right? :D


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