Sunday, September 13, 2009

Double Cs

Double Cs stands for Chocolate Chips Chiffon. Okay, with a cake too! I was up early on Sunday morning and I decided to do a "quick" bake. I quickly pulled out my file on "First priority to bake" and drew out the recipe on Double Chocolate Chiffon Cake from Rei's blog.

I've always like chiffon cakes, and chocolates. So chocolate chips chiffon cake just sound too tempting for me not to try at all! So I quickly "whipped" up the ingredients and put to bake before I prepare myself for my workshop. The last time I baked this wasn't that successful.

Unfortunately, this time also wasn't too good. It was mainly due to my chocolate chips which were too thick. I must have threw them in too fast and too hard, they just stayed in the bottom of the pan, unlike Rei's! But nevertheless, the taste of the chocolate cake was really good! Maybe I can consider using this as a soft sponge cake...anyway, mine looked like one too!


  1. Hi Jane!

    I've attempted the same recipe before and had the same problem!! All the chips sank to the bottom and it was kinda scary when you over-turned it to make it "right-side up".

    I emailed Rei about it before and she told me that she added the chips into the yolk batter. She adds in the flour, then the chips before stiring them together. According to her, the chip will be coated with flour and therefore, evenly distributed. I haven't tried it since so maybe, if you like you could? and let me know if its works? wahaha!

  2. Hi Jane,
    I suppose the chiffon cake taste still soft and yumm! Don't worry about the outlook.

  3. Hi Youfei,
    Thanks very much for sharing what you have learnt from her. Yup, I've learn that before, but just forgotten about it! Was following her recipe blindly. Hahaha... Ok, will try next time and let you know. I also think my chocolate chips were too big and thick. If it's smaller, then it should "float".

    Hi Grace,
    Thanks. The cake is soft though. With the chocolate at the bottom, it's actually not too bad too! :p

  4. Mmm. I haven't made a chiffon cake in ages but this has me wishing i could have that slice of breakfast tomorrow.

  5. Hi Lauren,
    It's so nice to hear from you again! And your encouraging words! won't want that for breakfast! Hahaha...;)

  6. Hi Jane,

    I'm Esther, joined yr cookie art class last sunday (13/09) at central. like yr teachings. read yr blog. love all yr bakings. I'm interested in cake decor but always can't find a suitable time and class to attend.

    Will you teach simple cake decor like those piping you have done in BITC? I just wish to master some basic simple piping for birthday cakes for family and friends

    Thanks a lot

  7. Hi Esther,
    I'm glad you enjoyed the class. That was because the curriculum from Sugar Inc is good! ;)
    If you are interested in simple piping, you can always drop me an email. We can always discuss. :)

  8. Hi Jane,

    I'm Esther, joined yr cookie art class last sunday (13/09) at central. like yr teachings. read yr blog. love all yr bakings. I'm interested in cake decor but always can't find a suitable time and class to attend.

    Will you teach simple cake decor like those piping you have done in BITC? I just wish to master some basic simple piping for birthday cakes for family and friends

    Thanks a lot


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