Monday, June 1, 2009

1st Food Bloggers Potluck Party

31 May 2009, Sunday
what time?
1pm - 4pm
Kitchen Capers @ Kallang Bahru

who were there?
Yuri's Bake
Baking on Cloud 9
Honey Bee Sweets
Kitchen Corner
All That Matters
Pure Enjoyment
Loving Baking
Taste of Time

Myself, of course!

what was served?
Fried Bee Hoon
Japanese Cotton Soft Cheesecake
Ang Ku Kueh (in green colour)
Chocolate Fudge Cake
Mini Sausage Buns
Sweet Potato Cake
Yam Paste
Fruit salad
DIY Popiah
Chocolate Munchies

It was the day we have been waiting for! That afternoon was hot. As I brought my bee hoon to Kitchen Capers, I can't help but feeling really nervous and excited. It's like a little girl, wanting to show her wonderful work to her parents. Hahaha... This was the first food bloggers potluck party. Gina was really nice to let us "mess up" her shopfront, got us a few tables and chairs, and sponsored all the disposable cockeries. Besides that, her daughter, Melody was also happily helping us with the setup.

As I was early, I had the privilege to reece her shop first, and picked up the items that I wanted. As the clock ticked on, more blogger friends came. I had known Grace and Adeline before, so I had no problem recognising them. One by one came with their food, and we set them on the table. We introduced ourselves to one another, chatted a little first as I think we were still quite shy. As the afternoon heat heats up, so was our heart. We were then happily eating and chatting away. The food that all my bloggers friends brought were really wonderful! I could not believe the trouble that they have really gone through to make them, and support this little potluck party!

After we had our fill (and still left quite a lot of food!), we went for a little tour at Kitchen Capers, with our host, Gina, explaining the rational of the items that she brought in to sell at her shop. All of us were rather happy to be in her shop as we walked out with loads of stuff (almost)! She was also very kind to sponsor us some stuff from her shop as goodie bag.

Finally, it was time to pack and go. Each of us brought home some food that were leftover from the party. It was really a great "harvest"! I just want to thank everyone who turned up at the party, including little Zakris. Also special thanks to Gina, Melody and Gina's husband for helping to clean up after we left. We hope to have another of such a party again. Like Gina said, "make it quarterly", I'm hoping someone will organise the next one! *hint hint*

Finally, special thanks to my dear friend for giving me this lovely biscotti! ;) {special privilege}


  1. Thanks Jane for organising the party. Thoroughly enjoyed myself! :)

  2. Jane, thanks again for organizing this potluck party. It's my first time joining such a lovely party. Eric & I really enjoy it and look forward to join this kind of party again. By the way, I just knew that the fried mee hun was prepared by you. It's really delicious! Thank you so much!

  3. Hi Angie,
    Next time you come to Singapore, let me know, I'll organise a party again, ya?

    Hi KWF & Grace,
    Thanks for taking the time to prepare food for the party. I really enjoyed myself too! Next round, remember to sign up too! :) See u around!

  4. It's a pity we did not take a group photo (everyone with the food)...perhaps everyone's too hungry?! Anyway, will be great to meet up again....thanks!

  5. Hi Jane,
    U did a very great job in organising this very special party! And I can't imagine u can host, eat and take pictures all at the same time! Really a multi-tasker ;-) Hope to have another party soon...

  6. Hi quizzine,
    Thanks. You have been most supportive! Hope to meet up again too.

  7. Hi Angie,
    Next time you come to Singapore, let me know, I'll organise a party again, ya?

    Hi KWF & Grace,
    Thanks for taking the time to prepare food for the party. I really enjoyed myself too! Next round, remember to sign up too! :) See u around!


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