Monday, May 25, 2009

Vanilla Bean Cheesecake

The bbq on Saturday was partially to celebrate my brother-in-law's birthday and also to have some bbq fun. The stuff that they bought for bbq are pretty good - lamb chops, satay, chicken wings, sotong balls, sausages and MARSHMALLOWS! How can we have bbq without marshmallows? That was actually requested by my daughter.

Anyway, my brother-in-law requested for cheesecake for his birthday. He is a cheesecake person. Last year, I baked him a New York Cheesecake. This year, he asked me to surprise him. I went surf through the web, looking for "exotic" or "special" cheesecakes, but just don't know what is suitable. Finally, I found a very special cheesecake recipe - Vanilla Bean Cheesecake. It looks simple enough to follow and special enough to make as it has real vanilla seeds. However, instead of baking the sponge cake from the recipe by Mandy, I use the usual biscuits crumbs. As I crushed more crumbs, I decided to have the crumbs at the sides too. It turns out, the cheesecake was really really nice. Not too sweet, as I cut down the sugar, a mild vanilla taste, not too cheesy, and the biscuit crumbs lighten the cheese taste. Everyone said it was really really nice and special. I'm glad I made the right choice...again!


  1. mmmm, this looks delicious! Your BIL is a lucky guy ;-)

  2. oh, man...look at that cheese smooth, and creamy filling....and not even tiny small crack on the top. I would say that all your baking courses paid back.

  3. Your cake looks very delicious! How I wish I can have a slice to try. By the way, do you sell them?

  4. HI
    saw your comment at HHB's blog. My boy is in Pei Chun, pri 5 this year. what about yours? btw, your blog is in my list of favourites! keep up the good work!

  5. Hi quizzine,
    Thanks. I'm also lucky I have a big family for me to practice my bakings! ;)

    Hi Angie,
    Thanks. Yes, that is why I'm still attending courses to learn more. But sometimes, bakings is still dependable on "luck". I still believe in that. ;p

    Hi Anonymous,
    Thanks. I also agree this is one of my best cheesecakes. :p I'm lucky on that day I think. You want to buy? Drop me an email @ We can always discuss.

    Hi octopusmum,
    Thanks for making my simple blog as one of your favourites. :) It's my pleasure. My boy is in the same school as yours! He is in P4 this year. Are you also a homemaker? Do you have a blog too? Drop me an email @ and we can chat more about PCPS. ;)

  6. Hi Jane, just like you, as much as I would like to leave a comment on all the blogs I frequent, sometimes, I just couldn't find the time. I am a faithful follower of your blog too.

  7. Hi Jane,
    I must say you are the perfectionist! The cheesecake looks like the one display at coffee house. I like the crumbs go along the edges. It's looks very neat. Good job!

  8. I don't eat cheese, whereas my mister's a huge cheese-aholic, and I'm sure that this would totally make his day! I'm definitely bookmarking this.

    Your cheesecake looks perfect, btw, almost storebought!

  9. Hi HHB,
    Thanks a lot for your compliment. Btw, I saw what you had written earlier. Thanks a lot for letting me know (intentionally or unintentionally). ;p

    Hi Grace,
    Thanks! I wish I'm a perfectionist too! This is the first time I did with crust along the sides as it's not ez. But I'm like you, I also like the crust along the sides so that the cheese isn't too over-powering! :)

    Hi ovenhaven,
    Thanks a lot for your compliment. The original recipe was from Mandy. You should look at her other cheesecakes, they looked so tempting too! :)

  10. Hi Jane, you saw it?! Good! I got to delete it as I remembered I was told/scolded (many times) for writing anything too personal :'(

  11. Hi HHB,
    Thanks for your info. Ya, it's really difficult to draw a line sometimes. :)

  12. Hi Jane, you saw it?! Good! I got to delete it as I remembered I was told/scolded (many times) for writing anything too personal :'(

  13. Your cake looks very delicious! How I wish I can have a slice to try. By the way, do you sell them?

  14. oh, man...look at that cheese smooth, and creamy filling....and not even tiny small crack on the top. I would say that all your baking courses paid back.


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