Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Double Choc Chip Almond Cookies

Feeling a bit "itchy" on my hands to bake this evening, I chose an easier recipe to "entertain" myself. Elyn's Double Chocolate Chip Almond Cookies seemed to fit what I was looking for. At least it's something that I don't really like, so that I don't have to eat them. I usually bake to give away. So this seemed to be it! In less than 45mins, all were done and completed! Didn't that just met my objective? ;)


  1. OOOO double chocolate chip cookie YUMMY.. I love making cookies..

  2. 45 mins?!

    Does that include setting up and washing up? I love baking but I'm deterred by all the cleaning.

    Please give pointers on kitchen management...

  3. Hi Para i familiaku,
    If you like cookies, then try this. It's really ez & good!

    Hi Anonymous,
    This recipe is really ez. Actually, when I went to attend my baking course, we were taught that washing is part & parcel of baking. Many people are just put off by washing, while I'm not. I do admit that I have a helper, but most of time, I did everything by myself, including washing, excluding keeping! Hahaha...That I have to qualify.

    For me, I usually keep all those common ingredients together - sugar, flour, eggs etc around the same place. My things are kept all over the place, but the good thing is, I know where to find what (though I have like hundreds of stuff around). I prepare all my ingredients, weigh them all before starting on my creaming/mixing. I also get my trays, baking paper, oven all ready before I start. So when I start, it's like a production worker, one after another. From creaming to dropping all the batter on the trays, took about 25mins or less. Weighing and preparing took about 15mins, then it's into the oven to bake. I only preheat my oven when I'm half way through dropping my batter. So that my oven dun get heated for too long.

    Sometimes, the oven waited too long for the pans. Other times, it was just nice.

    I hope that will encourage you to bake. After that, it's washing. So to include washing, it'll take about an hour or slightly more? Enjoy your baking, washing is part of baking. The interesting thing about baking, to me, is the process. The final product is a bonus!

  4. OOOO double chocolate chip cookie YUMMY.. I love making cookies..

  5. Hi Para i familiaku,
    If you like cookies, then try this. It's really ez & good!

    Hi Anonymous,
    This recipe is really ez. Actually, when I went to attend my baking course, we were taught that washing is part & parcel of baking. Many people are just put off by washing, while I'm not. I do admit that I have a helper, but most of time, I did everything by myself, including washing, excluding keeping! Hahaha...That I have to qualify.

    For me, I usually keep all those common ingredients together - sugar, flour, eggs etc around the same place. My things are kept all over the place, but the good thing is, I know where to find what (though I have like hundreds of stuff around). I prepare all my ingredients, weigh them all before starting on my creaming/mixing. I also get my trays, baking paper, oven all ready before I start. So when I start, it's like a production worker, one after another. From creaming to dropping all the batter on the trays, took about 25mins or less. Weighing and preparing took about 15mins, then it's into the oven to bake. I only preheat my oven when I'm half way through dropping my batter. So that my oven dun get heated for too long.

    Sometimes, the oven waited too long for the pans. Other times, it was just nice.

    I hope that will encourage you to bake. After that, it's washing. So to include washing, it'll take about an hour or slightly more? Enjoy your baking, washing is part of baking. The interesting thing about baking, to me, is the process. The final product is a bonus!


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