Friday, April 10, 2009

Twisted Cheese Bread

There were just too many "to bake" list that I have. Sometimes, even when I felt like baking some desserts, I would have to give it a thought to see if it is a suitable time to bake. Reason being, if I make too much, I won't be able to finish them all since my family don't really eat desserts. So I must wait till like just before weekend to bake, so that I can bring them over to my parents' place to give them to my sisters and their family. If I do bake during weekdays, I'll bring some food to give them to my colleagues, but not to all of them. Therefore, even baking also must find a suitable day!

I've always like Grace's blog. She bakes very beautiful cakes, breads and desserts. So today, I decided to make her Twisted Cheese Bread. Even this had been tried by other bloggers too! Somehow, I cannot get the beautiful "flower" shape that she did. :p Mine turned out to be rather "out-of-shape"! Heehee... Will have to try again next time!

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  1. Hi Jane,
    How are you? Long time didn't see your posting. You must have cooking too much and no time to post it right?! kekeke.. Although I'm not in town but I always waiting for your posting ok. I'm sure the cheese bread very tasty although you can get the shape. That's call homemade!

  2. Hi Grace,
    Thank you for being so kind, as usual! I haven't been baking or cooking much lately. Don't know what is wrong with me. :( Also, most of my bakes lately seemed to have failed, thus, the lack of posts! Heehee... Yes, I know I've been "watched". I need you to teach me how to "twist" your bread, very difficult wor! Thanks a lot for your encouragement! :) Hope to catch up soon!

  3. I totally agree with everything you said in this post.

    Too many "to bake" list...
    Can't bake too much... (my mum will complain we eating too much sweet stuffs)
    I like Grace's blog too...
    Twisted Cheese Bread is still my waiting list...


  4. I like Grace's blog too! I am always very inspired by her desserts and bakes :) Just like you, there are so many things to try, and yet, I have to find the 'suitable' ones to make.

  5. Hi SSB & HHB,
    Thanks for dropping by! Ah, at least I know a lot of bakers out there who faced similar baking dilemna as me! Heehee..
    Aw yes, don't we all love Grace's Kitchen Corner? ;)

  6. Hi Jane,
    Come on! Get back your baking spirit :) I think I've got the same feeling as you before. Seems like everything was not right on my baking then I go back to those simple and nice recipe. It would help to get back your baking spirit. Happy baking and look forward to read more on your blog!

  7. Hi Grace,
    Thanks a lot for your encouragement. Yes, I'm also hoping to get back to basics too. Sometimes, when the complicated bakes gets better, the basics seems to have lost in me. Even my more "popular" choc cake which I baked recently seemed to have failed on me. Guess the basics cannot be forgotten even after I ventured into more complicated bakes. Will keep that in mind. Thanks again. Will not let myself, and you down...definitely not! :)

  8. Cheese and bread were meant to go together! How delicious!!

  9. Hi Jane,
    Come on! Get back your baking spirit :) I think I've got the same feeling as you before. Seems like everything was not right on my baking then I go back to those simple and nice recipe. It would help to get back your baking spirit. Happy baking and look forward to read more on your blog!

  10. Cheese and bread were meant to go together! How delicious!!


Be free with your mind!