Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Pleasure Knowing Her

I was getting excited and happy to know that I'm meeting "her" today. We have arranged to meet for lunch since two weeks back. I was apologetic as I was late for our appointment.

We met and had lunch at Centrepoint TCC. We exchanged our presents. I guessed she didn't expect me to bake a cake for her, while I also didn't think that she will give me a cake and a pot of Calandiva flowers. It was a pleasant surprise for both of us, I think.

AFter lunch, we went "window shopping" in Robinsons, admiring the kitchen accessories and appliances in those corners. Then we took a bus to Sun Lik in Seah Street. Since she's not been there before, I brought her there to buy some baking stuff. As expected, both of us ended some stuff ourselves. She finally bought her rectangle tart pan, while I managed to buy my Chestnut Puree. As happy as we can be, we walked back to Raffles City, to Jasons Market Place to browse the merchandise available there.

It was really an enjoyable afternoon for both of us. We enjoyed each other's company, and parted gracefully at the train station. We also agreed that we should meet up sometime again. She's a very pleasant lady, and it was really a pleasure knowing her. She shares her baking experiences readily, and she's also a food blogger like me.

If you read through this post carefully, you'll be able to identity this wonderful lady I'm talking about. :)


  1. It must be Grace from her Kitchen Corner :) You are making me jealous! I have not been able to shop with my one and only baking friend for the past two years, she's so busy with work!

  2. Hey, make sure her banana cake didn't poisoning you ya :P You're really brave to meet up with stranger kekeke...well, I'm sure she had a wonderful day with you.

  3. Hi HHB,
    It's pretty obvious right? Well, it takes two to click, if each of you make some effort and pre-arranged, I'm sure you'll meet her one day. Grace & myself mentioned about meeting up quite a while ago, but due to different schedules, we finally met up yesterday. As she is also another HHB, I took half a day leave from my work to meet her. Maybe she doesn't have many friends here, so she didn't mind meeting me. (Grace, you reading this??) Just kidding. She was brave enuf to meet me alone. I think there was an element of connection between us becos of our DELONGHI oven! Hahahah... ;) Anyway HHB, make an effort, show your sincerity, and be persistent. I'm sure your friend will meet you one day. :)

    Hi Grace,
    I had diarhrea after eating the cake. *ouch*ouch*ouch* Heehee...Just kidding. If I had diarhea, maybe it was the hazelnut coffee chicken, mixed with matcha coffee! Hahaha... Cannot be also. Then must be...

  4. Happy for Grace and you! So nice to be able to find a true fiend with common interest even through the internet! (What have our folks been telling us huh?) I wish I have opportunities like these too! *Envy*

  5. Easy to guess. And not surprised at all. I can see that you two bond very well through blogging and baking. I'm sure that was a wonderful day! :D

  6. I guessed correctly too! So happy for both of you :)

  7. Hi HBS, SSB & Yuri,
    Thanks for all your comments. It must've been the mention of "HER" that my blog is suddenly hitted with so many visitors! Hahaha...Around our "baking community", it can be big, but it's only those few that you would follow quite closely on the posts and their bakes. I wish that all of us can meet one day and share our baking experiences. It will really be wonderful. Anyone not interested? ;p

  8. Hey Yuri,
    When can we meet up to la-kopi huh?

  9. Have it cross your mind to do a pot-luck party with all food-bloggers bring their own baked stuff, or some kind of charity event from our 'home-made with lots of love' cakes/bakes?

  10. Hi quzzine,
    Yes, I've ever thot of organising some kind of a get together for all those food bloggers like us. However, I'm quite afraid also that most people will not respond or will not turn up. You want to collaborate with me? :)

  11. Jane,

    If you ever organise 1, pls include me. I am not a foodblogger cos I am hopeless in baking but I am a avid follower of many of the food blogs. :-)

  12. Hi Fiona,
    Yes, I won't forget you! I'll publicise and get all other bloggers to publicise. So you definitely won't miss it ya? ;)

  13. I can be your assistant in the party, but I'm quite bad with organising things. You let me know, and i'll be at your service! If no one turns up, at least there are the 2 of us...kekeke

  14. Hi quizzine,
    Thanks for your assurance! For that assurance, I will seriously consider. Maybe I'll jio jio Gina to see if her kitchen can be used. We deal again yah? Make it 3 of us if nobody turns up, bring your Ah boy along & let me play! Hahahah...;)

  15. Ok no problem, i'll bring my boy along and you better be warned to stack up your energy level! See ya ;p

  16. Hi guys!
    Please remember when is the party ok. I wanna join too!

  17. Jane,

    If you ever organise 1, pls include me. I am not a foodblogger cos I am hopeless in baking but I am a avid follower of many of the food blogs. :-)

  18. Easy to guess. And not surprised at all. I can see that you two bond very well through blogging and baking. I'm sure that was a wonderful day! :D


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