Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cinderella Cake

Last weekend, I asked my niece what cake she would like for her birthday. She told me she wanted Cinderella. I went "huh?" and gave the excuse that it was too late for me to find pictures. Then I asked her what flavour did she want, and she said "strawberry" and I went "huh?" again. Gee... I though children like chocolates rather than strawberries. I thought to myself, if she wants strawberries, meant that I have to bake a vanilla cake. My vanilla sponge cake skill is still not very good. Somehow, with chocolate based, it's easier to mask the cake should it not turned out very well. Heehee...

Well, having promised her that I'll bake her a cake, though didn't elaborate what, I had to keep my promise. Initially, I decided to make all full chocolate for her (quite different from her request leh?!) Then I decided to at least, try tracing a cinderella? Or at least, did what I had done for Aloysius previously. Somehow, the chocolates just refused to be removed from the plastic (forgot to take picture of this). In the end, I had to use my free hand to draw the Cinderella. As I didn't position poor cinderella properly, her dress was not enough to cover the cake.

Then I thought to myself, since it's already damage done, then I'll have to do damage control. Might as well extend her dress down to the side. Suddenly, I was quite proud of myself for coming up with such a brillian design! Hahaha... not creative I supposed, not original too! But at least I was sober and was able to think slightly faster than normal! Hahaha... Funny thing was, I frost the cake with pink whipping cream instead of the usual chocolate ganache on a chocolate based sponge cake. Another brilliant idea I did was to place a tart crust in the centre of the cake, so as to give the "crispy" taste when eaten. True enough, it did! There were four layers of cake, the filing was-sponge, strawberry jam, sponge, chocolate ganache, tart crust, chocolate ganache, sponge, strawberry jam, sponge & whipping cream. Quite cool right? I'm pretty happy with a couple of firsts on this cake- tart crust and drawing till the side. I'm so glad my niece, Crystal, was very happy with the design and the taste of the cake.


  1. I think the cake turned out perfectly! I'm sure your niece was thrilled!

  2. Looking at the cake, I'm speechless. Where did you get the passion to do decoration? kekeke.. That's beautiful!

  3. So nice! If I can make this cake for my daughter, she'll be sooooooo happy! BIG fan of Cinderella. :)If I haven't read your post, I would not know you did any damage control...the cake is beautiful! ;)

  4. Hi Elyse, Grace & HBS,
    Thank you very much for your compliments.
    You need to look closer to know that this cake is just full of flaws! Hahaha... But for kids, I think they can accept! :p

  5. Hey j, well done! You are really inspiring, you know that? Good job.

  6. Wow that cake looks really good, Jane. You've got one very lucky niece :)


Be free with your mind!