Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another Birthday Cake

I had been rather lapse in posting lately. I had been lazy, busy and dizzy all week! When I'm in front of the PC, I felt dizzy, then lazy set in. However, I cannot be lazy anymore, otherwise, I'll have lots of backlog posts!! Goodness me!

I had been busy whole week, preparing for Saturday. I made Vanilla Ice-Cream and Cheesecake in the mid-week, prior to Saturday. As both of these needed to be refrigerated way before the actual day of consumption, I had to prepare them in advance.

1. Vanilla Ice-Cream. I went through all the ice cream recipe, wanting to find the easiest to make. As it was to be used as an accompanied to my sister's Chocolate Fondant, I want it to be easy and creamy. I finally use the recipe from I modified the recipe a little to suit my taste. Instead of 6 egg yolks, I used 10 egg yolks as my eggs were pretty small. I replaced vanilla extract with a vanilla pod seeds and used 2 cups of whipping cream instead. The end result?? Creamy, real & taste expensive!!

2. Triple Layer Birthday Cheesecake. My youngest sister requested for a cheesecake. I asked if she can accept anything exotic, she said she can't. As I've baked cheesecake for her and my BIL before, I couldn't think of what other flavour I could try. Last year was the Chocolate Torte. How time has fly! After going through my cheesecake recipes, I finally settled on the recipe from "Delicious Cakes" called Triple Layer Birthday Cheesecake. This recipe needed to steam-bake the cheese layer by layer, each layer for 30 minutes. The three layers are Coffee, White Chocolate and Chocolate. I was thinking of topping it with a layer of crusted oreos after baking. However, after baking, the top was so beautiful! There was no cracks to be found anywhere! This was my BEST cheesecake I ever baked! So I decided to frost as little as possible, to keep the smooth top visible. So this was my final decoration!

Saturday bakes include the following.
3. Red Bean Buns. I bought the red bean paste from PH lately as I found their red bean paste to be very nice, and I remembered my dad likes it. So I made a whole bunch of them to be given to my family members. I made different designs and put them into the muffin trays, an idea I got from Honey Bee Sweets.

4. Kueh Makmur. This was in my "To Bake" list. After the unsuccessful attempt the last time, I had to try again using different recipe. I used Honey Bee Sweets' recipe this time, though quite a lot of work, I was quite determined to bake this. However, I had added the egg white while the flour were not thoroughly cooled, resulting in my dough being too wet to roll. I ended having to put them in the fridge, then adding a lot more plain flour to it. The baking caused the dough to crack. Fortunately, the overall taste was much better than the previous attempt. At least, it was still melt-in-the-mouth texture! Quite happy with the outcome, though not happy with the process!


  1. Yippe, happy that you finally got to make the Kueh Makmur! Totally agree on the so much work on making these little cookies! But it's still taste good enough for the trouble right? ;)

  2. Your cheesecake looks devilish, and wish i could have a slice right-away! Plus a scoop of vanilla ice-cream as well... yum yum

  3. Hey Jane, you've been baking a lot huh... you're really super women! The birthday cake with three layers looks very professional leh.. and the ice cream.. oohh.. it's looks so elegant sitting beside the fondant. Wonderful job!

  4. I think you deserve the most hardworking baker among all of us. Look at how much you cook and bake (with backlog posts some more), and all of them look so good! You are really a wonder women! :)

  5. Hi HBS,
    Yes, the kueh makmur was quite worth it. I like the results. But I think it can be improved. I will try again, but doubt it'll be in any near future, too much work! Hahaha...

    Hi quizzine & Grace,
    Ah yes. The cheesecake was the best I had ever baked! I think anyone would have done it so pro with the proper instructions. I was too lazy to type the instructions. Will share the recipe soon...

    Hi SSB,
    Thank you very much for your compliments leh! I can't accept your hardworking award! Hahaha... I was able to bake and bake and bake because,
    (1) I have a good helper,
    (2) I don't have to take care of my children as they are quite independant,
    (3) My hubby coach my eldest son in his homework.
    (4) My kitchen appliances missed me.
    Kekeke...Thanks really! I'm flattered! :)

  6. Mmm, all of these treats look totally delicious!!

  7. Mmm, all of these treats look totally delicious!!


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