Saturday, February 7, 2009

Birthday Cupcakes

It seemed that I've been quite busy with work lately that I just didn't have much time to do baking or to post them up. I tried macarons again, but didn't make it again. The reason for me try again was because I still have one tub of egg whites in the fridge. So I took up the courage to try again, as I was thinking, if I failed again, I still can try since I can "afford" the whites. Wrong start! Thus, my macarons cracked, and no feet! *haiz*

My sister requested me to bake chocolate cupcakes for her birthday. Since she has always been a great fan of my cupcakes, I obliged. I had to combine her birthday with my brother in law's birthday since they wouldn't be available next week. Interestingly, I "embedded" two heart-shaped chocolates into two of the cupcakes and made them find one each. Fortunately, they managed to find it on the first try, otherwise, I want them to finish up all the buttercreams on the cupcakes. I was kind enough to make only 10 buttercream toppings and the other 8 with chocolate ganache.

After more than one month without baking breads, I just had to bake breads today. I also desperately wanted to use up my bak kwa (which I can only bake like once a year after CNY?). So bak kwa buns were my first batch of bread for the year 2009!


  1. Hi Jane,

    replied your comment! and thanks for the encouragement! Btw, I replied your email quite some time ago but im not sure if you got it..hmm..


  2. Hey j, you have been super busy in your kitchen huh? I cooked more than bake and forgot to take photos!

  3. Hi Youfei,
    I've replied you already. Apologies, was really bz.

    Hi Yuri,
    Yes, has still been quite bz baking. You've been cooking? No wonder didn't see your baking posts! Remember to take photos and post them up leh!


Be free with your mind!