Saturday, January 31, 2009

Yam Layered Cream Cake

After baking cookies and other CNY related goodies, time to start on my cake baking again. It'll be my mum's chinese birthday on this coming Tuesday. We usually celebrate in advance when we have the opportunity. This time, I made Yam Layered Cream Cake for her. As I don't know how I should decorate the cake, I just made my own "lace" design. I also added some violet colouring to give it a nice violet colour, although I would have love to leave it plain (grey). Somehow, I love the final design of the cake, though it could have been better.

Happy Birthday to my dearest mummy!

Update on 1 Feb 09:

You can make reference to Jo's Deli on the Yam Cream Cake. I baked the cake from Delicious Cake, while reference the cream to Jo's Deli.

I have also updated the recipe for French and Flourless Cake. Do try it!


  1. Yam cream cake sounds really interesting! Does the yam flavour come through though?

  2. Hi Laureen,
    Well yes, yam cake is really nice. Do you know Angie The Choice Confectionery? She sells Yam Cream cakes too! It's really nice. But for mine, because I used the pack from the leftover mooncakes, it was a bit salty for the cake! Heehee...However, when I mixed it with more whipped cream and frost it, it's really very nice! It's like Yam Cream! You can try it! Btw, no Yam flavouring required...only violet colouring used!

  3. Hi,

    Would like to ask you

    1) Where do you get the yam paste and the brand of the yam paste that you use.

    2) How do you assemble the cake, are you using a cake ring? I totally have no idea on how to use a cake ring. Can you teach me on that?

    Many thanks! :)

  4. Yam cream cake sounds really interesting! Does the yam flavour come through though?


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