Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wonder Twin Power - ACTIVATE!

Hahaha... I wonder where did this verse comes from- "Wonder Twin Power: ACTIVATE"! I remembered it was from some cartoons or shows which I watched when I was much younger. However, I just cannot recall when and what! Anyone knows, please let inform me.

Okay, this is the second round. The first round of cake was for celebration with their maternal grandparents. This round, another cake, is for their childcare celebration this morning. I baked the Chocolate Moist Cake from Kitchen Capers' Forum: Amrita's Divine Family Chocolate Cake. Somehow, I had problem folding the egg whites into the butter batter. I saw a lot of holes in my cake after baking. However, the cake was very moist and chocky this morning. I must try this recipe again. It's a keeper if I can bake it well. I frost it with chocolate ganache and whipped cream. Then decorated it with dark chocolate buttons, cocoro and white chocolates. Woah! I'm so happy with the outcome, though it's not that perfect! Such inspirations came from Mandy.

Instead of the usual goodie bags like the rest of the kids in school, I made cake pops, and wrapped individually to give away. Actually, to let the cat out of the bag, I was too lazy to buy the goodie bags and packed them. Heehee... This inspiration was from Bakerella. The children were dellighted to receive the cake pops. Anders distributed them out. The teachers were impressed by the cake I baked, and I was pretty proud. :p

No more battle of the sexes, it's "Wonder Twin Power-ACTIVATE!" :)


  1. what a creative and pretty cake you baked!!

  2. Just wondering if you use the box cake mix that Bakerella normally use for her cake pops or did you bake from scratch? Thanks! ;)

  3. Hi Beachlover,
    Thank you for your compliments.

    Hi Honey Bee Sweets,
    I don't like cake mix. :( I prefer to bake from scratch. Cake mix don't require much skills, I prefer to practice my cakes in hope that I can bake good and consistent cakes in future! ;)

  4. You've got such nice handwriting! Mine always looks like a five year old wrote it.

    The cake pops are such a cute idea- i can certainly see why the kids went crazy over them!

  5. Hi Laureen,
    Thanks! First time someone compliment on my handwritting! The last time I wrote, it was also like a 5-year-old! Hahaha...That was why I try not to write on cakes too! :p

  6. Heya! All I can say is You're a FANTASTIC mom. You baked all those for your wonderful kids! Definitely an inspiration, I hope to pick up speed and make the cake pops too. Great gift ideas! Thanks

  7. Hi Jane

    Wow yr twins are so lucky!! home made cakes for celebrations!


  8. Hi Yuri,
    *shy*shy* No lah, every mum who can bake will do the same too! You also mah! The last time you also worried about baking for your son and daughter too! Yes please pick up baking again. For baking, you need constant practice, otherwise, you'll lose the touch & the skills! 加油!!

    Hi Fiona,
    Thanks! Home-made doesn't mean nice, just mean slightly cheaper! I'm so glad I can get-by with home-bake cakes, else to have a few celebrations, and buy a few cakes, I'll go broke pretty soon! Heehee...

  9. Hihi...

    The cake pops are sooo cute!
    Wanted to try it out for X'mas!

    But..what did you add to the cake
    to hold them into a ball??
    Or didb you just use some strength that the cake will be mould into a ball?


  10. Hi maine_maine,
    Yes, do try the cake pops for christmas. I'm sure they'll be very popular with children.
    For the cake, I added chocolate milk & cream to make them stick. But do add with caution. Add them bit by bit while you let them mix in the mixer. I use the k-beater to mix them. Then add the cream bit by bit. Once you see that they can hold, stop adding. Then take them out and try to roll them into balls. If they stay, you're on the right track. If they fall apart into crumbs means, not enough liquid. If they fall apart and watery, then you might want to add some digestive biscuit crumbs to toughen it up. Hope this helps! Good luck & Merry Christmas!

  11. Hihi...

    The cake pops are sooo cute!
    Wanted to try it out for X'mas!

    But..what did you add to the cake
    to hold them into a ball??
    Or didb you just use some strength that the cake will be mould into a ball?


  12. Hi Beachlover,
    Thank you for your compliments.

    Hi Honey Bee Sweets,
    I don't like cake mix. :( I prefer to bake from scratch. Cake mix don't require much skills, I prefer to practice my cakes in hope that I can bake good and consistent cakes in future! ;)

  13. Hi Laureen,
    Thanks! First time someone compliment on my handwritting! The last time I wrote, it was also like a 5-year-old! Hahaha...That was why I try not to write on cakes too! :p

  14. what a creative and pretty cake you baked!!


Be free with your mind!