Monday, November 10, 2008

Caramelised Peach Fragipane Tarts

I made the Caramelised Peach Fragipane Tarts on Sunday evening. It was supposed to be Peach Fragipane Tarts. However, I decided to have my first try of the new blow torch I bought at Shermay's. Looks like the heat was too hot for my fragipane! Not a good first time though. So with the charred dots on my peaches, it's now renamed to Caramelised Peach Fragipane Tarts! :p

Playing with my blow torch...trying to be a pro!


  1. wah Jane... another tasty tart you've got here. Looks very refreshing! I think I miss my kitchen now :(

  2. Hi Jane,

    Have been visiting your blog for quite sometimes. You are such a talented lady. I like all your bakes. I am just a beginner when come to baking. I have tried your Japanese Cotton Cheesecake recipe, the cake texture is very nice, soft & fine, but my cake deflate once I took it out from the oven. Can I check with you, did u take out the cake immediately once the cake is done or let it cool down slowly in the oven. So far, I have baked twice, both time the cake rose nicely in the oven (with some cracks), but deflate immediately once taken out from the oven. How I envy your nice tall cheesecake. Please enlighten me! Thank you very much for your time!
    Warmest Regards!

  3. Hi Grace,
    I also miss your post! Come back quickly to bake okie? Don't forget our appointment! ;)

    Hi Destiny,
    I'm really very flattered by your sweet words. I'm only a beginner who follows all recipes. I've not tweaked any recipes for fear of failure. Hahaha...
    Ok, back to biz. Did you use water bath for your cheesecake? Actually for cheesecakes, it's best to leave it in the oven after you switch off the power, and leave the oven door ajar so as to let the temperature of the surrounding be stabilised. I suggest you do that. For me, I took it out of the oven immediate and unmould it according to the instructions. How about the level of your rack? Did you put it at the higher rack level or lower? I sugggest put it at the lowest? So the temperature will not be too hot and the top will not crack too badly?
    Btw, my japanese chocolate cheesecake also rose very high and cracked. When I took it out, it deflated till a nice level. :P But of course you can still see the crack lines after that.
    Don't give up, do try again and let me know okay? I hope I'm able to help you.

  4. Hi Jane,

    Thank you so much for your prompt reply. Yes, I did water bath my cheesecake & baked it at the lowest level. In fact, I followed the recipe closely too, except I reduced the sugar to 80g & baked it for 55 mins (afraid it is not lah..ha..ha..). I used top & bottom heat. Did u used the fan function? Am afraid it will make the cake too dry? Will it? I usually use fan function when baking cookies..not sure am I right? Actually I just got my build-in oven one month ago, still not very familiar which function is best for what. Got to explore more i guess...Anyway, I will be baking this cheesecake kids love the cake very daughter said she can finish the whole cake at one go..Oh dear...must really control..ha..ha..
    Cheers! Destiny

  5. Hello Jane, I've tagged you at my blog. Cheers!

  6. Hi Grace,
    Thanks for tagging me! I've been tagged previously by HHB too!

    Hi Destiny,
    I use the fan function as recommended by Grace as both of us are using the same oven. I find fan function has more uniform heat. Usually, when you are on fan function, you should reduce the heat by 20C. Why don't you try the fan function, put the cake in the lower rack (but not lowest) and try baking at 150C? You really have to explore your oven to know it better. I'm lucky that Grace explored and share her experience with me, thus, I actually benefitted! ;) I'm so glad your kids love the cake! It's okay for kids to eat more cheese (for calcium), don't control them lah! ;)

  7. Hi Jane,

    Ok..will try using fan function next time. Thanks for all your advise. You are really helpful.
    Your swiss roll & cookies are really nice. Please take good care of your!

  8. hi got a gas torch? how much ? where did you get yours? Thought of bringing in to sell..

  9. Hi Gina,
    I got my blow torch from Shermay's. They are selling at $49.90 each. I think Creative Culinaire also sells them. It should be below $40 each. I saw one at Pantry Magic selling at $60!!! There are so many types in the market...

  10. Jane, the one I am bringing in will cost $35.00. Already brought in 2 pieces to test it. If its good and easy to use, will bring in more. Coz we wanna teach meringue pies, caramel pudding next year. So need to get gadgets that are easy and cheap for students mah. Thanks.

  11. Hi Gina,
    That sounds good. The one that I have, the gas cylinder can be bought from supermarket easily. Is yours too? I think the brand is Iwatawa or something like that. It cost $9 for 3 from Fairprice. It's quite fun to use such blow torch actually. :p

  12. yes, its a standard case..the bottom I mean. So it can fit most of the gas cylinders. But when you use this, make sure kids are not near you...I use it to crisp up the skins of roasted meat...:)

  13. Gina,
    Thanks for telling me that it can be used to crisp the skins of roasted meat! I shall do that the next time! Then at least it will have more uses than just for desserts! ;)

  14. Hello, as you may already discovered I am fresh here.
    Hope to receive some help from you if I will have some quesitons.
    Thanks in advance and good luck! :)

  15. Hi Anonymous,
    Thank you for leaving a comment in my blog. I'm very honoured. I hope to hear from you soon.

  16. Hi Anonymous,
    Thank you for leaving a comment in my blog. I'm very honoured. I hope to hear from you soon.

  17. Hi Gina,
    That sounds good. The one that I have, the gas cylinder can be bought from supermarket easily. Is yours too? I think the brand is Iwatawa or something like that. It cost $9 for 3 from Fairprice. It's quite fun to use such blow torch actually. :p

  18. yes, its a standard case..the bottom I mean. So it can fit most of the gas cylinders. But when you use this, make sure kids are not near you...I use it to crisp up the skins of roasted meat...:)

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  20. Hi Gina, I got my blow torch from Shermay's. They are selling at $49.90 each. I think Creative Culinaire also sells them. It should be below $40 each. I saw one at Pantry Magic selling at $60!!! There are so many types in the market...


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