Sunday, October 19, 2008

Strawberries in Season

The strawberries are in season lately. It seems like I've been baking strawberry-related pastries lately. But it's alright, nobody is complaining anyway! Early Sunday morning, I woke up to make Strawberry Flan. Just feel like eating some pastries, so I decided on strawberries since I bought them yesterday and cannot be kept for long.

Initially, I had wanted to do Apple Crumble Flan, but I changed my mind after seeing the strawberries. In the afternoon, I had wanted to just bake my Cinnamon Rolls. However, my hubby suddenly told me it will be his mum's birthday this coming weekday, and asked if I was baking any cakes. I told him I had no time since I'm baking my breads. But I thought for a while, I should have time to manage both. So I decided to use the remaining strawberries for the cake. I quickly whipped up a vanilla sponge cake while the dough was proofing. Actually, I was quite fast. From 1pm, I started the bread dough, by 4.45pm, I had finished frosting the cake for my mother-in-law, and baked the cinnamon rolls.

Standing on my feet for almost four hours, I was really dead tired! But I'm happy that I managed to churn out a cake for my MIL. :) I hope she liked it!

Morning Produce: Two Strawberry Flans

Afternoon Produce: Strawberry Cake for my Mother-in-law

Cinnamon Rolls

Unfortunately my cinnamon rolls turned out to be quite dry on the surface.

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