Sunday, August 24, 2008

Watz dup doc?

What's up on a Sunday? I had it all planned out! Btw, this is how my failed Chocolate cake looked like:

Actually, it tasted much better than the cake I baked yesterday! Hahaha... I told my sister and she said I should've given it to her. But I told her if she seen it, she REALLY won't have taken it home, let alone eat it! Guess what I did to the cake? I didn't throw them away. I kept it in the freezer. Will leave it to your imagination what I would have done to it! ;p

I've always love to eat chinese carrot cakes, regardless of steamed ones, or those fried carrot cakes. So I found a recipe for this, and prepared to give it a try to steam it. So here it is! However, I found it to be a bit bland. I guess I should've put more salt, or at least use chicken stock? Nevertheless, it's the first try, so next time, I'll use chicken stock so that it will be tastier!

Recipe extracted from Prisneo's Steamed Carrot Cake.

I also baked two loaves of the Chocolate Swirl Breads yesterday,
one for my own family, and another for my parents & sisters.
Not too bad though.

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