Saturday, August 30, 2008

Very First Attempt

I didn't think that I will attempt to bake this at first. However, after my colleague has tried and told me it's very good, I cannot resist it. Furthermore, my family likes to eat this, so I thought I might as well try to bake it. This is none other than the Walnut Moontarts! These walnut moontarts (or walnut mooncakes) were made famous by Harbour City Restaurant. We used to be really crazy over their moontarts. However, I seemed to have outgrown that now.

*Note: Not advertising for them.

But since my colleague has given me the recipe she found on a web, and it doesn't look so difficult, so I thought I might as well try baking it!

The recipe is extracted from Asiacuisine-Walnut Moon Cake.


  1. Hi,
    The walnut moontart looks special, I've not seen this before. Too bad I know nothing about making mooncake :(

  2. Hi Grace,
    I also know nothing about making mooncakes prior to this. However, if you are really interested to make for fun, or if you really like to eat mooncakes, you can do a search on google and there will be lots of blogs with recipes to guide you. They are really good. A few references for you - Aunt Yochana, Jo's Deli & Florence are those you should refer. ;)
    Do try!

  3. Hi Jane,

    Really salute you passion in baking. We love walnut mooncake very much as my wife's aunt was one of the shareholder in Harbour City Restaurant before, she recommended to us their famous MK. After she left, the standard had dropped.

    Cheers !!


  4. Hi Christopher,
    I think you'd better not try my walnut moontarts, they are of course not as good HCR's!
    Btw, can you get the recipe from your wife's aunt? If I can bake it to be as good as last time, I can sell them and I pay you royalties? Win-win situation mah! ;)

  5. Hey J, u were on mooncake frenzy huh? Made so many different types, really admire u. When I'm ready, I shall consult u :) Good job, all of them.

  6. Hi Yuri,
    Heehee...Actually not into the mooncake frenzy. Got influenced by my baking colleague lor! Initially only wanted to bake flaky mooncakes, ended trying the walnut, then cannot resist the green tea paste at PH, so ended up buying snow skin pre-mix and the mooncake mould! LOL. So this explains why I'm baking all this. I'm sure I'm not into traditional baked mooncakes! *wink*

  7. Hi, u've got very nice and variety of mooncakes here! Maybe i should try out this walnut mooncakes as well, since i've got 'audience' who doesn't eat snow-skin moonies. Cheers!

  8. Hi Christopher,
    I think you'd better not try my walnut moontarts, they are of course not as good HCR's!
    Btw, can you get the recipe from your wife's aunt? If I can bake it to be as good as last time, I can sell them and I pay you royalties? Win-win situation mah! ;)


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