Friday, July 25, 2008

Durian Puffs

Last weekend, after dinner at my parents' place, we had some durians that my dad bought. Although it was the durian seasons now, some durians just don't taste good after a couple of days. The ones that we had at his place didn't taste good unfortunately. So I told him to give me those durians so that I can bake cakes with it, and won't let it go to waste since all of us didn't want to eat it anymore. He said he wanted to have puff instead. So I made durian puffs for him (since he sponsored me the durians). I hope he likes it! :)

Recipe for Choux pastry is from Aunt Yochana, Chocolate Cream Cheese Eclair. For the durian filling, I didn't want to use gelatine as I dislike gelatine taste. So I modified the recipe from Zu's kitchen.

Durian Fillings:
582g Durian pulps (from two plastic take away boxes)
2 tbsp milk
2 tbsp honey
130g Diary whipping cream

1. Whisk whipping cream till soft peaked, put aside.
2. Add durian meat, milk and honey into another bowl and mix till smooth using a wooden spoon.
3.Combine cream and durian mixture together till well blended and put in fridge till ready to fill the puffs.


  1. Hi there, just stumbled upon your blog. Very impressive bakes. Just curious on the oven you are using, cos I have been hunting for one for very long and cannot decide. Care to share?


  2. Hi Maya,
    Of course I'd like to share with you on my oven. Just trying to find the model of the oven. It's so difficult to find a proper site for Delonghi in Singapore. Anyway, I managed to find the model, should be Delonghi EO1270 Convection Oven. I bought it in Tangs earlier this year for about $550 during promotion. You can check it out. Do look around before you buy an oven. It can be quite a "heavy" investment. I didn't regret getting this Delonghi oven. :) Happy baking!

  3. HI is there another replacement for whipping cream? i wan to try to avoid whipping cream for health reason.. :P

  4. Hi Missy,
    Actually you don't have to add whipping cream. Maybe you can add some full cream milk. But if you want to avoid diary, then totally omit the creams. If you omit the cream, then you will need more durian pulps. I hope this helps.

  5. hello jane! am celestal here. hope u rmbr me ;) ur durian puffs looks beautiful, may i know what piping tips did you used ? its looks so pretty!

  6. Hi Celestal,
    Of course I remembered you! You've such a gift for photography and baking, how could I forget? I used a big nozzle-#825.
    Thanks for your compliments.

  7. hello jane! am celestal here. hope u rmbr me ;) ur durian puffs looks beautiful, may i know what piping tips did you used ? its looks so pretty!

  8. Hi Maya,
    Of course I'd like to share with you on my oven. Just trying to find the model of the oven. It's so difficult to find a proper site for Delonghi in Singapore. Anyway, I managed to find the model, should be Delonghi EO1270 Convection Oven. I bought it in Tangs earlier this year for about $550 during promotion. You can check it out. Do look around before you buy an oven. It can be quite a "heavy" investment. I didn't regret getting this Delonghi oven. :) Happy baking!

  9. Hi there, just stumbled upon your blog. Very impressive bakes. Just curious on the oven you are using, cos I have been hunting for one for very long and cannot decide. Care to share?


  10. Hi, wow nice! May I know how long we can keep this durian puff? yummy...

  11. Hi Apple. Do not keep longer than 3 days to have it fresh.


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