Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Wholemeal Flaxseeds Buns

There are so many bread recipes available in the internet. After learning the process of making artisan breads and breads with high hydration, sometimes, I'm still afraid to handle high hydration dough.

K recommended me to try Victoria Bakes Sesame loaves. It really stayed soft even after a few days due to its high hydration. Then I try again by modifying it into wholemeal buns. It was pretty difficult to shape the bun and I use scraper to shape it. The result was a sweet wholemeal bun. I like it very much too.
Recipe for Wholemeal Flax seeds Bread, adapted from Victoria Bakes.
(Makes approx. 25 buns)

680g Bread flour
70g Wholemeal flour
30g Ground flaxseeds
487g Water
15g Salt
8g Instant dry yeast
50g Sugar
150g Milk
90g Liv unsalted butter


1. Mix all ingredients together (except butter) and knead till the dough comes together.
2. Knead in butter till well incorporated and till you achieve window pane stage.
3. Let it rest for 30 mins, then do a set of stretch and fold. Repeat this once again. After the second stretch & fold, let it rest 20 mins.
4. Weigh out 55g and shape into a ball. Cover and let rest for 10 mins.
5. Roll it out and shape it round again. Let it proof for about 35 mins.
6. Bake in preheated oven of 200C for 15 mins.
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